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1. Would you play Fitzgerald and Boldin in the same week?

2. Who's going to be better: Lendale White or Johnathan Stewart?

3. Which of these three is the better backup QB: Kitna, Rivers, or Rodgers?

4. Would you start Patrick Crayton at WR?

5. Of the top tier TE's (gates, witten, gonzo, winslow, clark, cooley), when is the latest you should draft them?

6. How early should you take one of the top defenses? (sd, minn)

thanks in advance




  1. 1.I would not play those two together because if you do your placing all your hope on the Cardinals to have a great game and they rarely do.

    2. I like Stewart more then White. Stewart doesn't have to deal with eight men in the box, like White does, due to Steve Smith; so Stewart has a better opportunity to succeed.

    3. I like Rivers the most out of the three. The only reason being is because of the Chargers weak schedule and the improving receivers get single coverage because of LT.

    4. Patrick Crayton is a best a bye week fill in.

    5. You can get a good TE in the 6 to 8 round.

    6. These defenses tend to go around the 7th to 9th round.

  2. 1.  Yes its not like the Cardinals has anything that resembles a running game.

    2.  stretching for a sleeper are we

    3.  Rivers

    4. No

    5.  lets see RB x2, WR x3, QB x1 so.....round 7-10

    6. after the TE

  3. 1. They are both good for 3-6 catches and either one of them could put up large amount of yards and TD's in 1 game.......with that said, I would not do it, but if you play in a league that uses a flex position, I can see that

  4. 1. Yes of course.

    2. Jonathan Stewart. Lendale is too fat and does not average the yards. Only 3.6 YPC

    3. Kitna-Least risks.

    4. If I did not have better options sure. He might be number 2 now that Glenn is demanding to leave.

    5. As late as possible of course

    6. Never take a top defense. I'll just wait and grab my Seahawks or Titans and get like 1 less point per week.

  5. 1.  I played them both a lot last year.  Honestly fitzgerlad did better but on the games he did bad boldin did good.  Between the two of them i usually averaged 20 points.

    2. Lendale is supose to be in really good shape and if vince can even kinda throw the ball this year then i would think he would have a better year.  But i also dont think that will happen.  I would gamble and play stewart.


    4.depends on who you have but he didnt do bad last year.  He was just inconsistent.

    5. 4th to 5th round

    6. 6th to 7th round

    I took the chargers last year in the 6th round.

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