
More should be done to find a cure for HIV/AIDS, or at least more attention should be brought to the matter?

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I do not have HIV, by the way. And I am reluctant to believe that a cure has already been found and is being contained - the government are not making money off the disease!




  1. More than what ?

    Billions are already being spent and HIV is not near the top killer of humans on this planet.

  2. Deffinately agreed.. people now are more focused on money than life anyways.. People are becoming more selfish and it is sickning...

  3. Yes, more should be done. But because it's now thought of as not the death sentence it once was, it's no longer on the "front burner", so to speak.

    It used to be, back in the 1980's, that HIV/AIDS was always fatal. Now, people are living a long time with it, That's the difference.

  4. Stem cell transplants are a possible cure.  That is the correct term for a bone marrow transplant.  Since during a stem cell transplant you are completly replacing the immune system, it is plausible and very possible to rid the body of viruses that way.  For example, before my transplant (to treat leukemia) I was cmv and hsv1 postive, now negative on both. (CMV is a virus most people get as a kid that most of the time has the same symptoms as the common cold.  HSV1 is a type of herpes, most commonly the type that appears on the mouth as cold sores)  I also have to get all of my child hood immunizations again like the mmr.  

    However, its not an exact science on the removal of viruses part.  It doesnt remove them for all patients.  And that is an incredably difficult treatment with a phemonomanlly huge expense to go through when they dont know yet why some people keep the viruses and others dont.

  5. HIV already gets a disproportionate share of funding. And most of the problem with worldwide HIV is that the local governments/economies can't afford what's already available. Even basics like Western Blot confirmation on positive blood tests are too expensive for much of the world to use routinely. I expect people like Bill Gates will do more than can governments to alleviate most of the problems.

  6. Join the world community grid .You can use spare computer power to help find a cure,I am running it now.It runs in the back ground.

  7. Ok, so call me stupid, but why can't a HIV vaccination be made?

    I mean, we can do it for meningitis, polio, measles etc...

    So why not AIDS?

    Our body would create antibodies to fight it off it we ever got it....

  8. you will think so... but AIDS and like other sicknesses brings in money.... and with that no one wants to stop the flow of money coming in. not even the government.

  9. Find one yourself if it bothers you so much, you prob have HIV right? I know If I had HIV, I would be using myself as a guinea pig, but then again thats just me, Im pretty hardcore when it comes to things Im willing to do. It is your life afterall that you're fighting for, dont let a doctor decide your fate for you, you have a brain, use it.

    I agree with Ryan, I didnt want to say it myself because Yahoo people are so dumb they would report me just for saying it. There has been cures for decades, google a bit and you'll find it, trying to convince others of a cure is impossible because big pharma is hypnotizing everyone into believing they are cutting edge in research and they would tell you if there was a cure, well sorry to tell you, but they could care less that people die from HIV, they are corporations looking to make money, not save lives. The world is a harsh place.

  10. The cure is an educational one rather than a biological one.

    Teaching people to aviod it is the only way to combat it.

    however, in places such as africa, the problem has got so big that it is very hard to educate the people about it and avoid it, and it doesn't help that they have other larger problems.

  11. I don't think this qualifies as a question, although I agree with the concept.

  12. what more do u want to be done? they already have the cure.  You think it's an accident that Magic Johnson is in better shape than ME, and he's has aids for like 20 yrs?  Listen, once they know that they can make more money off the cure, then they can off the disease, they'll realease the cure. Right now, money from drugs to keep aids at bay, and doc visits, etc, is just too much money for the medical industry to give up. Sorry, it's the way the world goes.

  13. AIDs is a virus, viruses mutate all the time, so finding a way to cure it is very difficult, they havnt even found a cure for the common cold yet or influenza, becasue of the many mutations, AIDS is a similar case, although they have found ways of slowing the disease down dramatically, a cure is still a long way off, once they find a virus killing drug, then not just AIDS would be a thing of the past, colds flu, etc etc would follow.

    The best weapon against it is education, its a bit of a weak virus, it only lives outside the body for a matter of seconds, catching it has to be done via bodily fluids, not sneezing or normal contact, good job too!

  14. Yes, absolutely.  Over 2 million people in the world have died of HIV/AIDS so far, with many more millions being infected.  Research has been going on to find a vaccination or cure for the HIV virus since the 1980's and whilst drugs have been found to hold the disease somewhat, there is still no cure except safe s*x.  What happened to the TV ad. campaigns about safe s*x - are HIV/AIDS lessons given in schools, why do we no  longer see any posters about it? Unfortunately the UK government is spending so much on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan there is no money left to look after the people at home.

  15. From what I understand, the reason that there is no "quick-fix" cure for AIDS as there was for polio or smallpox is because HIV is not a biological agent- it is a virus. For this reason, antibiotics cannot fight it. This is the same reason why there is no full cure for Herpes, and this is also why you cannot "get rid" of HIV once you have it- because there is no way for your immune system to fight off the virus and remove it from the body.

    Aside from this, HIV compromises the immune system in the first place, so the immune system would have trouble fighting off HIV even if it could. In short, there is a lot being done to cure HIV/AIDS, and those with HIV/AIDS are living longer than they have previously, but I doubt that a cure will be found any time soon.

  16. Maybe you don't remember how much time and effort (and money) was put into this when it hit the news in the 1980's.. Every pharmaceutical company and medical research group would have given anything to be the one to find a cure. There are dozens of fatal diseases which have eluded a cure, and AIDS is, at the moment just one more.

    I don't expect many to agree with this because I am not putting forward a mass conspiracy theory where a cure is being withheld because more money can be made from the disease. I am not suggesting you are stupid but could it be that the virus damages our ability to aquire immunity as we normally would do. I am not a virologist but since many of you seem to have a deep understanding of the issue, then I wonder why you aren't working towards a Nobe prize in this area.

    Quite honestly I am surprised no-one has suggested that all our vaccine supplies are being sold to aliens from a grassy knoll underneath two recently government-destroyed towers in an attempt to ACTUALLY put a man on the moon.

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