
More sims questions!?

by  |  earlier

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1.) does the elixir of life and kibble of life refill itself? or do you have to save up another 12,000 aspiration points?

2.) where the heck is the ug-no-more thingy in the buy mode?! i must know so i can get rid of zits on teens!

3.) am i right in saying the ug-no-more makeover will cure zits? if not, how do you cure zits?

4.) i've got a stove fire problem. anytime i try to use it, it bursts into flames no matter what. what am i doing wrong?!

5.) how long does it take for the baby a sim is pregnant know, be a sim itself? and can you choose what it looks like?

thanks! =)




  1. 3.) When your sims are teenagers they get Acne. Click on a mirror and choose "Use Acne Cream"

    I hope i helped :D

  2. 1. Both Eof L and kibble have 5 uses and then you have to purchase another one

    2.Get rid of zits by using a mirror to apply acne cream no more has nothing to do with clearing up zits. It's a makeover chair so you can give any other sim a new hair cut and makeup job. Fair warning the first few times you use it the results will be hideous until you build some skills in doing makeovers.

    4. It's not a stove problem it is a sim problem. Your sim doesn't have enough cooking skills to use a stove. Until they have a chance to build cooking skill limit them to instant meals and "cold" meals like lunchmeat sandwiches or cereal. You can also use the microwave without fire risk. Use a stove, toaster oven or grill with low or no cooking skills you will get a fire.

    5.It takes 3 sim days for a pregnant sim to give birth. You don't get to choose what the baby looks like only a name. They will look like the parents due to genetics. FYI if you want a certain gender save your game right before the baby pops out(you'll get a warning that the mother is about to give birth) If the baby isn't the gender you want then simply leave the lot without saving and then reenter the lot

  3. idk what how long the baby takes but you can not choose what the baby will look like. but you can choose the name. the baby will look like both parents. kind of like us. it will look like more of dad or more of mom or both. if you want to speed up the pregnancy type in the cheat boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true then click on the sim that is pregnant then click on spawn l & d tomstone and find speed up my pregnany, I hope I helped!! you can do lotws with that cheat.
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