
More:I think my husband cheat, what should I do?

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The same day his truck broke down and he said an old man helped him we were on the phone when his work phone was ringing and he said he would left me go. I told him I would hold on. He told this person it was a good thing they didn't wait with him and then hung up on me. He said today that she was an old lady. When I searched the phone number it turns out the old lady is 47 and he is 57. I am 34 so was she old compared too me? The only reason I was looking in the phone was because of him hanging up on me and because when he got home he was suggesting I was sleeping around which tells me someone has aguiltyyconsciouss. I would like to chat with the wife of a truck driver for more advice.




  1. Why chat with anyone other than your husband?  This relationship is in seriously difficulties.  Even if he hasn't cheated you have no trust in him.  You need to decide, truthfully in your heart-of-hearts, if this marriage can be saved and if you really want to save it.

    Do what you know is right.  It may be time to move on.

  2. speak with him openly & forgive him 1 time, give him a chance to come back to u

  3. sorry but I've got no truck with truck drivers' wives

  4. I'm 21 and my husband is 22 but he is a truck driver and was over the road last year. That ended quickly...i realize it is very hard to feel secure in a relationship that isn't 100% secure (for whatever reason) if they are gone about 98% of the time. It sounds shady to me and I'm sure you know how many nasty S****y women hang around those truck stops just waiting for a truck driver to want "a ride". Those women WILL walk up and open a truck door and force their way into the trucks in hopes they can catch a man wanting some. It's far to easy for a man with a cheating heart to find someone over the road. Talk to him...tell him how you feel...and maybe a change of jobs is in order.  

  5. No offense, but I wouldn't trust a truck driver.   :(     And he's 23 older than you are.  Usually that big of an age difference, it never works out.


  6. Give dat mane som head and yall be kool

  7. I would say he is cheating on you.  The only thing you can do at this point is confront him and get the truth.  Even if he tries to lie you can show him the number and say you are going to call her in front of him to ask for the truth.

  8. I think its to soon to tell what hes doing. Men are different so easy with this advice. If I were him and you asked me if I was having an afair with this woman, I would not be mad. I would smile and be somewhat happy that you are a little jealous, and explain in detail who she was. It's good that you worry some, just wait till you have more to bring up. also people are different so you and him need to lay down some ground rules of what is cool or not for future problems. not everyone was raised the same. "Do onto others" is what I think about when I am faced with situations.  

    P.S. I was a Truck Driver years ago. quit to be closer to my family

  9. I think that a 57 year old is lucky to have a 34 year old. Call the number and ask her what the relationship is.

  10. u really need to get over your trust issues.

  11. If he starts being critical of you a lot more then you know he did some thing wrong. but gosh! I don't know what to do!

  12. Just tell him what you did.  Then say, I hope you don't cheat on me when you are travelling because I love you alot, and I miss you.  Answer his question on if you are sleeping around (I hope it is NO:)), and then tell him again, I love you alot and I am true to you, and I hope you will be true to me.  That's it, don't linger on, or start a fight, just get to the facts.  

    Did you ever think about working with him one trip?  I worked with my man one day, it started at 6 am (hauling wood, lifting trusses, drop off a stove, etc.), by 5 pm I was exhausted and he still had 2 hours to drive the work truck back.

  13. You don't know if he is cheating on you completely, so don't point any fingers or he might leave you.  Experience.  

  14. I am not the wife of a truck driver BUT if I was in your shoes.. and you know that asking him if he's cheating will not do you any good because he will probably not admit it if he was cheating.. then I would hire a private investigator or detective for a week... to see what comes up... If this is not an option,, then I would continue to snoop around until you get somewhere with this... if you dont find anything within 2 weeks.. then most likely he is not cheating... however just with what you have said above.. I am 99% sure he is in fact cheating... why would he have the number to that old lady anyway..? why would she be calling...? and why would he care about her enough to be glad she didnt wait with him???????

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