
Mormon mission french?

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I am Mormon and in a few years i would consider going on a mission. I speak French a little bit, so i was wondering on the application do they ask if you know any languages? and if you write that you know one, would they send you somewhere that has people who speak the language you know? Like, since i know french, would they assign me somewhere french-speaking?




  1. Maybe, Maybe not.  I'd say you've got a higher probability of going somewhere french speaking, but there are no guarantees.  

    I know a guy that is American, grew up in Venezula (Spanish speaking) then went to Brazil on his mission (Portuguese).  

    Who knows.  

  2. Yes, your knowledge of another language might a factor that effects where you are called.  You have to remember that the calling is inspired from the Lord.  It will be both the place where you can serve best, and the best place for you to learn and grow.  You should be just as prepared to go to Paris, Texas as Paris, France.

  3. THeres a bunch of Mormons in Chihuaha,Mexico Im serious
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