
Mormons, how could one know if the BOM is not true?

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In Moroni 10:4-5 it says, "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Chirst, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."

If, hypothetically, Joseph Smith is not a true prophet, and the Book of Mormon is not true, how could a person know it? It seems like the only test Mormons employ is prayer and a subjective experience. But anybody who prays that prayer and does not get a confirmation that it's true, you can say that they are insincere or they didn't pray with real intent, or they lacked faith. How, then, could anybody tell that it is not true if it's not true?

Do you think it's possible for somebody to get a strong feeling, a conviction, a burning in the bosom, etc. about something if that thing is untrue?

It seems to me that this test in the BOM only works one way. It can verify something, but it can't falsify something.

Wouldn't you have to assume Moroni 10:4-5 was true already before you'd think it was a good way to tell if the Book of Mormon was true?




  1. Just because a book claims itself to be true doesn't make it true.

    There's no point in the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings books that the authors state "by the way, this is all made up."

    That doesn't mean you're a muggle standing on top of hobbit bones.

  2. Well, that burning feeling in the bosom is the Holy Spirit telling us it is true. The Holy Spirit also serves as a warning sometimes; not usually with a warm burning feeling, but He does sometimes let us know when things are wrong or need to be avoided.

    I have prayed many times in my life for confirmation that what I purport to believe is true. I struggle a lot, my faith is not always as strong as it should be. There are times when I dont' get immediate answers to my prayers.... it takes months or even years to get an answer. I guess at these times, God is teaching me patience, or else I am not ready for the answer. I'm going through an experience like that right now, in fact.

    Bottom line..... I believe in the gospel with all my heart. I would die rather than deny it is true. Any problems I have with specific doctrine is my problem, and I need to work through that.

    After all.... President Hinckley said this is an all or nothing church. Either all of it is true, or none of it is. The doctrines that I struggle with, the questions I have, in the end, in my heart, I know the answers I'm going to get.... but I need to receive those answers for MYSELF. I can't just blindly trust in others. Faith is a test as well.  

  3. LDS folks believe in their church and their prophet Joe Smith with all their hearts.  They  are not required or expected to find logical or supportive evidence for their faith.  All they need to do is pray that a spirit would guide them.  I fear a spirit does guide them and really give them that warm burning feeling in their hearts.  I pray to God that they would not choose to go to the lake which has been reserved for the devil and his angels, because there is no fun and no fishing in that lake.

  4. 7 of 9 - sorry but that is a lame comparison.  Sometimes there isn't a "right" or "wrong" answer to prayers - sometimes many things (or even people) could be good for us.  I think you were confused...

    That is a good question.  Mine is - why would you ask if something were incorrect?  If you were already asking if it's true - then in a way you are also asking if it's incorrect... Anyways, the point is, the Holy Ghost's "job" is to reveal truth, not falsify, though he will warn us when something is not of God.  How else can we know than to ask?  Most of the time, I have already felt something is right, and then it is confirmed that it is right.  The Lord wants us to already have "our" answer, or have done some thinking about the subject, then go to him and ask him if what we want or think is right.  You can't do no studying or gain no knowledge then go to him and ask which is right.  He doesn't answer that way.  He can't just throw the answer into your lap, that wouldn't be fair and then your agency would be compromised.  

    This is why I don't understand how people can read it and not know it's true.  Because if they ARE sincere, they WILL know it is.  It has happened for me.  IF they don't "want" it to be true or don't really care either way, they aren't going to get an answer.  And even satan knows if they aren't sincere so of course he is going to do all he can to sway them.

    Knowing truth is a testimony.  It is a personal thing.  It cannot be proven.  It cannot be shown.  I know the gospel is true, I can't prove it, but I know it.  That is why we have to rely on the Lord, not "man", to reveal truths to us.  That is the ONLY way we will ever REALLY know.

  5. "How, then, could anybody tell that it is not true if it's not true?"

    By coming to the logical conclusion that Joseph Smith made it all up.

  6. Compare it to the Bible. It would have to be consistent with the Bible to be true.

  7. Mormons who want to believe are told via prayer that they are correct.

    Muslim suicide bombers who want to blow people up are told via prayer that they are correct and will be rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven.

    Why are Mormons never told that they should blow themselves up? Why are suicide bombers never told they should learn what Mormonism is and convert?

  8. Yes, its called a trick of the mind, because I got the burning int he bosom for the BofM, and then I thought I can use this to find Mr. Right, wrong answer, every man I prayed about I got a burnign sensation for them and not every man could possibly be Mr. Right, my conclusion, the burning in the bosom was a trick of the mind. Besides I felt God actually pointing out problems with the theology of mormonism and calling out of th emormon church, I did not leave becaise of anti-mormon material but problems with the theology.

  9. I got a creepy feeling in the LDS temple, while doing the work for my deceased christian mother. I know what I was doing for her was un needed and insulting in a way. I felt that she was already in heaven and did not need to learn handshakes or be baptized mormon to "progress". I have repented and realized my acts of nonsense.


  10. Actually--I never prayed until only a few years ago. I never got that spirit witness because I never really asked for it.

    The Book of Mormon just made logical sense to me, and it still does.

  11. it is true.  but some are not ready and that is certainly their choice.  

  12. I think the intent would be validation of what you are believing already to be true.  

    It really matters not if someone doesn't believe it - because if they don't then it doesn't change anything in a believers heart or mind now does it?  BUT when one DOES believe and when one DOES receive the testimony THEN that changes lives & hearts forever.  There are plenty of people who disbelieve the LDS church, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon - but they make little to no impact on the grand scheme of things with regard to the church as a whole.  BUT to those of us around the world who DO BELIEVE and who HAVE obtained personal witness of these truths - our lives are forever changed and we have obtained the answers we sought.

    Faith does not need to be invalidated or it would cease to be faith now wouldn't it?

  13. If you have indeed felt the witnessing power and influence of the Holy Ghost, one would not need ask this question.  It is distinct, it is unmistakable, and it comes when the Holy Ghost is witnessing the truth.      

    The opposite is also true.  If one where not dealing with the truth, those distinctive impressions by the Holy Ghost would not come.    

  14. I've met people who say they've received witness from the Holy Spirit that it is not true.


  16. The BOM says Christ was born in Jerusalem too,major lie.

    Christ was born in Bethlehem.

  17. Its kinda like asking how you know if something is Hot or not.  It either is or isnt and you'll know if you try it out.  

    I have taught many many people the gospel but unless they receive a witness that the doctrines of the church are true doctrines from heaven, they are best left waiting to join.  Its something you will have no doubt about when it happens.  You could also read james1:5 or john15:26- same thing.  

    Most people like to think of religion and science as different, but I think they are pretty closely related.  

    So, if you were to conduct this experiment, there would be a couple things you need to do- according to the instructions laid out in the scriptures.

    1.) Be willing.  Really debate with yourself if you are ready to make the sacrifice that will come if it is confirmed the teachings are from God.  Think about family reactions, friends reactions, changes to your behavior that will be necessary, etc...  Its a big price to pay if you get an answer its true.  If you are willing to follow christ whereever he sends you, then you are ready to proceed.  If you arent willing to give these things up(matt 19:16-30) then its best not to go forward.

    2.) Prepare yourself.  Basically, you are going to request a meeting with God.  You ought to be ready for such a thing and not take it lightly.  Read the doctrines you are going to ask about, know the questions you have and the things you want to know.  Organize your thoughts and be prepared that if Jesus was to show up and ask you what you wanted to know, you would be ready to ask.  

    3.) Pray.  Pray to your father in heaven for the god of this world is known as satan.  Ask Him in the name of Jesus Christ to send His Holy Spirit to testify of the truth of the things that are true.  Then ask Him your question.  Wait and ponder on it and see if there is a response or not.  If you have never prayed before you might want to start with a couple easier ones to get the feel of it.  Ask Him if Jesus Christ was truly Sent to save the world from their sins.  Or if John the baptist really did baptise Jesus and hear a voice from heaven.  Then once you know the feeling of confirmation, ask the harder ones- Is the Book of mormon a true record of ancient people?  Does the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints hold the the true priesthood authority they claim to hold? etc...

    God promises to send you responses to true doctrines.  If you receive responses to some questions- like is Jesus the Christ? but not to others, you would know those ones are false, or the answer has yet to come.  

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