
Morning Sickness? HGC and a few other questions?

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1. I heard that morning sickness was like you have to throw and and you throw up! You cant even help it! But can you just be nauseous but not actually throw up?

2. Im not sure how to word this question...can you hgc levels not turn up for awhile? I mean say you tested 2 or 3 weeks after you missed period but still go negatives, could it have been your level wasent high enough? What should it 100% be high enough to test?

Already asked this question but i thought id ask again...

3. How far along where you when you found out you were pregnant? Did you have a "period" for any of it? Did you have morning sickness? Any other symptoms? Did you have no symptoms at all?

4. Can you not experience any sickness for say the first 3 or 4 months then start to feel sick?




  1. yea morning sickness also qualifies as getting nauseous but not actually throwing up, eatting cookies or crackers when you first wake up helps alot.

    and yes hgc levels can be really tricky, most tests say to pee in the morning and for some people the levels are highest other times of the day. (mine was negative in the morning and positive at bedtime)

    i was about 4 weeks along when i found out, and i had about an hour of brown spotting.

    i had alot of morning sickness and morning nausea but i started eatting cookies and crackers as soon as i woke up and it really helped me alot.

    i figured out i was pregnant because i missed my period only got the spotty stuff, i had super sore b*****s, certain food smells made me sick, i was extrememly tired, and i automatically started peeing 2 times as much as normal.

    i hope that helps. good luck and god bless

  2. Wow, this is alot of questions to answer.  First of all you never have to get morning sickness out of 6 pregnancies I have been properly sick twice, just nausous twice and completely fine the other two times.  

    About your hcg levels with my first pregnancy I tested once a month for 4 months and it wasnt until the fourth month that I got a positive and yes I was 4 months pregnant, now though I can test before my period is due and get a positive.  So maybe with a first pregnancy it can take longer for your body to start producing hcg levels quickly.

    Having been pregnant 6 times I think I have experienced every pregnancy symptom there is.  But mostly its been just being a bit tired and the change in my b*****s have been probably the biggest symptoms.

    I also cant see why you couldnt feel sick after the 4 month mark but if your pregnant and am not sure I wouldnt be worried about not feeling sick you should be grateful.

    I would just suggest getting a blood test from your doctor he would be able to tell you if you are pregnant or not for sure.

    Hope this helps.

  3. 1)  Morning sickness is as individual as each woman and each pregnancy.  Some women just feel a bit queasy and don't actually throw up while others are nauseous and throw up, sometimes the entire pregnancy.  Some women don't have any morning sickness at all.

    2)  hCG begins to be produced as soon as the fertilized egg has implanted in the uterus.  It's hard to say exactly when the level of hCG will reach the level of detectability.  Usually it can be detected just after a missed period, but not always.  If you waited until 2-3 weeks after a missed period, the hCG levels should be high enough to cause a positive on a pregnancy test.  3)  I have been pregnant 4 times.  With my first 3, we were trying to get pregnant so I found out as soon as I missed 2 periods.  They are now 29, 26, and 23 so they were conceived back in the "old" days when at home pregnancy tests were just beginning to be found on some pharmacy shelves, but were not as common place as they are now, and weren't as reliable as the ones available now.  Doctors usually would not see you until you had missed 2 periods and then you went in and had a blood test done, not a urine test.  When my older 3 were 18, 15, and 12, I was 38 years old and had been reliably taking birth control pills for 11 years.  When I went in for my regularly scheduled yearly physical, my doctor expressed surprise that my cervix felt as though I were pregnant.  We chuckled over the absurdity of the possibilty after so many years on the Pill.  But, as my exam continued, it became obvious that it wasn't as absurd as we thought.  I had been having periods, but she had me pee in a cup for a pregnancy test and I was sure it would come back negative as I had no signs or symptoms of pregnancy.  But, a positive pregnancy test led to an ultrasound which shockingly showed I was 17 weeks along.  I couldn't believe it as I was probably one of the biggest skeptics when it came to hearing about women who said they didn't know they were pregnant.  I was properly humbled when it happened to me.  4)  It would be possible to experience different symptoms at different stages of your pregnancy.  It is fairly common for morning sickness to be worse in the first trimester and begin to ease in the second trimester and possibly return in the third trimester.  But, it could happen that the first trimester is easier than the second.  Just about anything is possible when it comes to pregnancy.

  4. Yes you can feel sick but not get sick, I was like that for a while and then after  while I would even think about feeling sick would MAKE me get sick.

    I found out I was preg at 9 weeks so I was a lil past one month. I never had a period but I know a close friend whos got 3 kids and she had her period a month for each one. like  I said I had morning sickness.... crazy bad still throw up every once in a while. and the other symptoms is my breats hurt ALOT.

    my morning sickness didnt get really bad untill 4 months about....

  5. 1.  The type of morning sickness you have describe is the only type I ever had and it was awful!

    2. The only way you can have hcg levels of 1 or more and not be pregnant is if you have miscarried in the last few months.  I had a HCG blood level of 60 at exactly four weeks.  A home test actually picked it up at 3 1/2 weeks so I am sure the level was much lower when it was positive. Hcg is supposed to double every one-two days at the beginning.

    3+4 everyone if different and every pregnancy is different.  I felt great for baby #1 and #3, but oh so so awful for baby #2.  It all depends.

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