
Morning Sickness QuEsTiOn?

by Guest21571  |  earlier

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I have been battling morning sickness and fatigue constantly, while still trying to take care of my other two kids (1&7). Any tips on what to do, (besides crackers) to curb the morning sickness (that occurs all day)? It is unbearable.





  1. Pineapple always helps pregnancy !? x*x

  2. Preggy pops seem to work great. I used them though out the pregnancy and still use them from time to time. You can get them at Motherhood Maternity and Babys R Us.

  3. Each woman is different where morning sickness cures are concerned. What works for one, may or may not work for another. Here  you will find some useful tips  which you can try and hope it helps. More instant remedies and info at http://usefulinfomorningsickness.blogspo...

  4. Awww I know the feeling and it stinks.  Fortunately mine isn't all day... but I definitely watch what I'm eating.  Try to eat more fresh fruits and veggies, no fast food (makes me sick), and you could also try eating baked potatoes.  Someone told me to try that with my last pregnancy and it worked like a charm.  I don't know if it's the starchiness or what, but even if it sounded gross, they tasted great.  I also drink lots of liquids-- water, juice, even a little soda (the carbonation helps sometimes.)  This might sound silly, but I've also found that if I shower right away in the morning (instead of sitting in my jammies) and put on some make-up and fix my hair, I feel happier and not as sick.  I hope some of these help, sometimes you have to try a bunch of things to find something that works.  I hope you feel better soon, and congrats on the pregnancy!!

  5. ginger ale helped me through some pretty bad morning sickness with both of my pregnancies.

  6. when i was pregnant the Dr. gave me a pill it didn't really work and i tried the whole cracker thing that didn't work either. I was always sick. It was unbearable and you have two kids to take care of. Ok so  heard i didn't try it but if you go to the store and get Ginger root and boil it like make a tea with it. good luck and congrats. on your new baby to come

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