
Morning after pill helpp...!!?

by  |  earlier

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i've just had unprotected s*x. and need the morning after pill... does anyone know if it will work and will my doctors just allow me too have it without paying?

help me please have 24 hours...!




  1. I went to a Target Pharmacy and bought it over the counter. You just have to ask for Plan B. Its a rather expensive pill but your doctor won't get on your case about it.

  2. You can go to Planned Parenthood and pick up the Morning after pill (Plan B) for free. Or I know you can get it at the doctors, i'm not sure if you'll be charged though. You have 72 hours to take the pill. However, the longer you wait the less effective it is. Good luck and use a condom!

  3. Find a clinic and tell them you can't afford it.  You might be able to get it for free.  

    Next time be smarter about s*x.  As you can see now having s*x without using at least a condom is not worth it.

  4. You can get Plan B at your local Walgreen's for $40.  However, due to ethical is up to each pharmacy whether or not they distribute the pills.  For this reason, I recommend calling around and 1. making sure they do sell it and 2. make sure they have it in stock.  (it is a pack of two, you take one then 12 hrs later take the other)   If you have financial issues, or you would just like to make a more informed decision, you can go to the Planned Parenthood website and locate a facility in your area that will actually give it to you.  Most clinics will not turn you away and accept donations in place of actually charging fees.  I hope this info helps you.

  5. go to your local doctors surgery and ask to see someone urgently, they may prescribe for free..or go to a general health clinic that contains sexual health or family planning. There should be somewhere near-by where you are that will provide it free of cost.

    hope this helps.

  6. I know you can get it a drug store pharmacies or target but it cost like 50-60 bucks  

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