
Morning after pill....?

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Do you think that if I took the morning after pill 12 hours after unprotected s*x, i have a very high risk of getting pregnant?




  1. No. the morning pills is recommened to be takin within 72 hours of the last time you had unprotected s*x or the condom broke..

    The idea of emergency contraception —-or a morning-after pill—- is based on a theory. Under this theory, if a woman has unprotected sexual intercourse (without use of contraception, contraception failure or cases of rape) and fears she may become pregnant, she can take large doses of birth control pills to prevent a pregnancy.

    Emergency contraception, essentially, is a high dosage of the birth control pill. It is recommended for use after sexual intercourse, over a period of 72 hours, to achieve the goal of preventing pregnancy.

    There are three different ways birth control pills are currently being promoted for this use: progesterone alone, estrogen alone, or both of these artificial steroids together. Again, these are the same steroids found in the typical birth control pill.

    Two of the most commonly used emergency contraceptive pills are Preven and Plan B.

    How Does it Work?

    The emergency contraceptive/morning-after pill has three modes of action (as does the regular birth control pill); that is, it can work in one of three ways:

    The normal menstrual cycle is altered, delaying ovulation; or

    Ovulation is inhibited, meaning the egg will not be released from the ovary;

    It can irritate the lining of the uterus (endometrium) so as to inhibit implantation.

    Keep in mind that fertilization (the union of female ovum, or egg, and male sperm) occurs in the fallopian tube and that fertilization marks the beginning of a new human life - and the beginning of the pregnancy. The newly created child then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus (womb) where he or she implants. Implantation is necessary for the new child to receive nourishment from the mother and continue developing. The journey from the fallopian tube to the womb takes between five and seven days during which pregnancy cannot be readily detected.

    Therefore, if a woman ingests emergency contraception after fertilization has taken place, the third mode of action can occur. The lining of the uterus can be altered causing the woman's body to reject the living human embryo, making implantation impossible and the child will die. This result is called a chemical abortion; therefore emergency contraception is an abortifacient.

    So, the only real "emergency" in all of this is the woman's fear of being pregnant

  2. no the morning after pill can be used effectively up to 72 hours after having s*x. Good Luck and try and be safer next time

  3. The morning after pill is effective in 7 out of 8 women when taken correctly and within 72 hours after unprotected s*x, so your chances are pretty good that you're not.  Of course, there is that tiny chance...

    Refer to this website for more information on the plan b pill

  4. You always have a risk of pregnancy if you have s*x but if you take it 12 hours after than the chances are a lot lower but still there.  

  5. you can take the morning after pill upto 72 hous after having s*x, but the sooner you can take it the better,xx

  6. no.  you have around an 89% chance of NOT getting pregnant.

    HOWEVER, these statistics are really screwed, as they have no way of knowing which woman would've gotten pregnant had they NOT taken the pill.  

    but anyway, take it as soon as you can, and remember to take the second pill 12 hours after the first one.  (instructions are on the box).

    and you might feel really, really bad.  but if you feel that nauseous, you have to deal with it.  the pill needs to remain in your system to be effective.

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