
Morning or evening running?

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im 15 and training for my football season but some pro athletes say its better to run in hot weather to get used to it when your tired in the game, but other's say it better in the evening because your relaxed and are more in a "running mood".

what do u think??




  1. switch off

  2. I have always felt morning is best, once the fatigue works off, it's great to have done it in the morning and not worry about it after the day is done.

  3. in the evening because you do get used to the heat and if you dont get used to the heat you might faint in the heat at practice or something trust me i know i have a Nfl player brother and ahighschool brother and a pee wee brother in football and me i am a 17 year old cheerleader so we all run in the evening together!!!10 miles!!! so tips from all of us hey email me at

  4. when you are actually playing it wont really matter weather you are in the mood or not to run, so run when its hot so that you get used to the way you are going to play

  5. I got the below information at the link I also put below. I have always worked out in both the morning and afternoon. I will do a bike ride in the morning and than my running and lifting in the afternoon. There is NO research as of yet that can prove whether running in the morning, mid day, evening, or night is the best. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. The below link I found had a little explanation for all the times. I hope this helps you.

    "Late Afternoon is Best for Exercise

    Research shows that the optimal time to exercise is when our body temperature is at its highest, which, for most people is 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (body temperature is at its lowest just before waking).

    Strength is Greater in the Afternoon

    Dr. Hill reported that strength output is 5% higher at around mid-day; anaerobic performance, such as sprinting, improves by 5% in the late afternoon.

    Endurance is Greater in the Afternoon

    Aerobic capacity (endurance) is approximately 4% higher in the afternoon.

    Injuries Are Less Likely in the Afternoon

    Afternoon exercise is the best if you want to avoid injuries for many reasons. We are most alert; our body temperature is the highest so our muscles are warm and flexible; and our muscle strength is at its greatest. These three factors make it less likely that we will get injured."

    PS: I'm a fan of working out in the afternoon if you couldn't tell.

  6. I think you should run EARLY in the morning, wake up & eat a small breakfast to get your matabolism going then run 2 miles. In the evening you should run again. You also need to keep an eye on your diet as well. I know it sounds like a lot of running but you will def. need to conditioning!

  7. This is from

    The benefits of running in the morning

    1. When you wake up in the morning after an overnight 8-12 hour fast, your body’s stores of glycogen are somewhat depleted. Doing aerobic exercise in this state causes your body to mobilize more fat because of the unavailability of glycogen.

    2. Eating causes a release of insulin. Insulin interferes with the mobilization of body fat. Less insulin is present in the morning; therefore, more body fat is burned when aerobic exercise is done in the morning.

    3. There is less carbohydrate (glucose) "floating around" in the bloodstream when you wake up after an overnight fast. With less glucose available, you will burn more fat.

    4. If you eat immediately before a workout, you have to burn off what you just ate first before tapping into stored body fat (and insulin is elevated after a meal.)

    5. When you do aerobic exercise in the morning, your metabolism stays elevated for a period of time after the workout is over. If you do aerobic exercise in the evening, you burn calories during the session so you definitely benefit from it, but you fail to take advantage of the "afterburn" effect because your metabolic rate drops dramatically as soon as you go to sleep.

  8. it's always best to listen to what your body tells you to do. sometimes i wake up early to go running, but then there are other days when i dread getting out of bed so i find myself running in the evening. plus it's always better to change up your running patterns so you get used to running at all times of the day.

  9. dude im the same age as you and im in football too!! the best thing for me is running at night...cause as long as you run like in two sweaters and some sweats its the same as running durring the day time!! another good thing when you run at night is your lungs get better in a way!!! like when you run at night(cold) you breath all the cold air!! so after a while it wont be as bad when you have to condition for football practice!! in the day time!!

  10. since u aren't training specifically to run, just using it as training for something else, i'd say that it doesn't matter.  a good run is a great way to start the day, and an evening run helps unwind from the day, but i'd avoid doing it in the heat of the day for 2 reasons.

    1. your running performance will suffer

    2. its no fun

    in the end, it's you that has to do the running, so do whatever you enjoy

  11. it doesn't matter if you're in a running mood or not, you'll be practicing when you don't want to some of the time anyway. you need to get used to it. so i would do it in the hot weather but drink lots of water to stay hydrated and you don't get  heat stroke.

  12. maybe you could be versatile and start running in the mornings, but slowly move your running times later and later so that you are used to hot and cold weather... I do it based on convenience... when do I want to take a shower more? Evening or morning?>

  13. I say its better in the morning because recently they did a study that shows after you run your in a naturally high state and you feel good for the rest of the day and its better to run before eating so you can burn fat unless you want to turn it into muscle.

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