
Morning sickness or just hungry?

by  |  earlier

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For about a month now, I've been waking up and going about my day with a huge stomach ache. It feels like nausea and I burp a lot to restrain myself from throwing up. Also my stomach (where my abs are) gets swollen, and that's where I feel it the most. I tell myself that it's my stomach cramping up because there's no food in it. I try to eat in the morning, but I just end up scarfing down a granola bar before I go to work because I just don't have enough time. My AF comes in a week. I don't have any other symptoms, my b***s don't hurt, and I haven't actually thrown up from it. Could this be morning sickness, or am I just hungry?




  1. its probably too soon to have mornig  sickness. Wait until your period is a week late then take a test.

  2. well it could be morning sickness but it might not be i would consider a test or going to the doctor to see wat they think bu ti think your just hungry makes sure you do talk to your doctor though just incase its something maybe even more serious then morning sickness

    hope i helped

  3. when I got pregnant, I just burped a lot, and I was really sensitive to smells and I couldn't eat.  it sounds like you are pregnant.  

  4. take a test

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