
Morning sickness pregunta?

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how soon does it really start?




  1. about 5-6 weeks for me i think  

  2. Please look here for detailed information about morning sickness and its cures

    Hope it helps

  3. You can have morning sickness start any time during the first trimester, but I would guess about 5-6 weeks.  This is when I was a bit queasy.

  4. Most women it starts at about 8 weeks and is 'annoying'. Might vom a few times. Stops around week 12 or 13. Doesn't affect life much. Mainly in the morning due to low blood sugar and can be helped by eating something before getting out of bed...

    Personally I had hyperemesis.

    At 4 weeks (ie 2 weeks after conception) I was a bit off.

    At 6 weeks I was overwhelmed with nausea but still at work (barely)

    At 8 weeks I was vomiting profusely. At 9 weeks I went to hospital for a drip etc.

    By 12 weeks I was vomiting blood.

    Then it eased slightly.

    I hit my lowest weight at 15 weeks and went on strong meds FINALLY at 16 weeks. My ultrasound at 19 weeks showed a boney bub, but his vitals are otherwise ok.

    At nearly 37 weeks I vomited again this morning.

    Morning sickness affects 70% (ish) of pregnant women. Women who don't get sick are more likely to miscarry. Unless you are one of the less than 1% of women that get as sick as I did which I pray that you don't!! Then it is a much more serious condition and some argue is a disease and not actually associated with morning sickness. But there is not enough research.  

  5. Mine started at 5-6 weeks, ended around 13

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