
Morning sickness??

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I am 7 weeks pregnant and suffering from worse morning sickness.Is there any book which gives natural remedies for

this problem?.please help




  1. try green tea

  2. Ginger ale and ginger tea can help some people.  Just plain black tea w/ a little milk helped me immensely.  Mint tea can also be helpful for some folks as can chamomile, anise, linden and fenugreek amongst many others.  Eating soda crackers before getting up or even moving much can also help.  I actually lost 60lbs in the first trimester of my first pregnancy b/c I was so ill.  I probably was a good candidate for hospitalization, but I'm stubborn that way...That morning sickness got better at about 4 1/2 to 5 months in.  I used to make myself throw up b/c the nausea was actually far worse than the throwing up itself.  Basically nothing worked but seltzer w/ lime w/ my second baby and I had morning sickness all the way thru.  You do what you have to do.  Stay hydrated, and if you do throw up, wait a little while (like 20 minutes) and put some food and liquid right back in you.  Mucous forming foods seemed to make the nausea and vomiting MUCH worse, and I HATED things I normally loved while I was pregnant, such as garlic and fish dishes like cioppino and bouillabaise w/ my first baby.  Couldn't do tentacles on things like squid and octopus...wasn't happening.  Instant barf.  Follow the dictates of your body.  It knows what it needs.  Applesauce w/ cinnamon, bananas, peach and lemon yogurt, turkey sandwiches on wwheat w/ lettuce, tomato, a little mayo and mustard, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, broccoli w/ lemon, and homemade hot chocolates w/ milk and honey and dark chocolate and tons of cooked veggies w/ a little butter were my favorite foods with my son.  For some weird reason I needed Whoppers and black olives and sunflower seeds  (very high sources of manganese and zinc + Vit E) w/ my daughter, and I don't even really like hamburgers all that much.  It all gets better w/ time, and in 7 1/2 months, give or take, you won't even remember the morning sickness much.

  3. try stomach calm it herbal and you can get it from chemists they use it for babies

  4. I feel your pain i had them so badly and they lasted with me a long time as well. THey used to be very bad until i got some education how to control as much as i can form this website.  I have learned that morning sickness is cause when the baby takes everything you eat adn some more causing you to feel faint and nauseus, So i was told to keep crackers, apple, juice box, and water beside my bed. I used to eat at niight when i wake upo for a bathroom run. A peice of cracker. I slept somewhat elvated, and never got up from bed in the morning until i had a piece of cracker adn some juice in my system adn waited 15 minuted before getting up. It helped but didn;t vanish the whole thing but at least i wa able to keep food down for at least an hour. Good luck and hope this helps you. Oh by the way don;t get apple or OJ they can make them worse. Carrot juice asn V8 worked well with me. See what works for you-my friend used to get pedialyte adn Gerber juice to help

  5. Saltines or dry toast.  Eat this before you get out of bed and then move slowly, it's annoying, but it'll pass.

  6. Nausea and vomiting usually go away by 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. But in some cases, morning sickness can last well into a pregnancy.

    Natural techniques are there to cure morning sickness.Since these techniques are natural,they are safe and effective.

    "The End Morning Sickness" is a very effective eBook which explains many natural techniques to cure Morning Sickness completely and permanently.
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