
Moroccan women- What's wrong? Some of you seem to hate other women around here?

by Guest65047  |  earlier

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Did someone steal your Moroccan man?




  1. We don't hate each other...dunno where u got that from hehe, maybe we see stuff foreigners can't see

    and boys heart breakers...don't call us b*****s, and ur sentence is wrong, i'm 99.9% sure u translated it from Arabic, well... we hate you too, we think u're friendly, but, we don't know why we hate you (and we didn't call u a *****:) )

    have a nice day!

  2. Most of the answers here are appalling.  I'm sorry if anyone hates that I married a Moroccan man and answer questions here.  If you don't like it, trying answering them yourselves.  Too many times people are willing to complain, insult and throw around vile names, but no one tries to make a difference.

  3. What is going on here ladies? Women across the world should know that no man is worth fighting over if he is fornicating with another woman. So, there needs to be no hate on either side. Love and Peace is the most important thing.

  4. sara sidi ali...loooooooooooooooool you do rock! hhehe...

    well to boys heart breaker....i dont know where you get those guts to call others names that you wouldn't want some one to be is simple all you had to say was that you just dont like us no need for the names..well one thing i can tell you is that we definitely hate american women i wouldn't lie about that...its wierd ya'll are they ones that use the word"b***" so im sure you know where the real ones came from...***** expert? get hate us with no reason...we are friendly but you american fake it too why must we like ya'll?????????????????? dang! beeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaach...get a pissing me off

    ok now let me answer the question....

    it depends who you meet and how real you were with that gurl at that time...

    no morrocan got her man stolen....if he don't love her then he dont love her....i think its because some of the moroccan women get fed up by the way the go on and on about morocco and the lifestyle just coz she got married to a dude from there.....

    imagine me braggin about how im good at making pizza just coz im dating an won't u think im just exagarating?????????????????

  5. If they came to America legally , can speak and understand English , and have a self supporting job , then there is no problem . If they came to America to get all the handouts they can or to run this country dow , then not only do we have a problem , but I have a solution to the rroblem , they can take their Moroccan loving buts back to Morocca .

    Nuff said

  6. LOL  Probably.

  7. i hate them they think they r something i went to morrocco once it lasted 3 months ,,,,but they r sooo b*****s ,,,,,,,they r friendly but ,,,,,dont know why i dont like them

  8. cause other women around here do nothing but bash moroccan like they got married to the last man on earth and all moroccan girls hate them for that

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