
Moroccans living abroad: Have you ever experienced discrimination or racism?

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My husband was recently treated badly in the US by some racists and it's very discouraging that in this time we still have such ignorance. :-s




  1. I'm not Moroccan, but I can tell you there is racism in the southern US against a variety of peoples.  I've been to Morocco 5 times now and people always ask "is it safe for Christians there?, how do they treat women?, are their trains safe?" blah, blah, blah....mostly a negative tone. try explaining that Moroccan are so hospitable that they can't imagine, the trains are electric and safe and inexpensive, women are protected. I don't know if it is xenophobia or fear from recent world events or just racism or a lack of social intelligence . How many times has your husband been told "welcome to America?" since he came here????   I heard "welcome to Morocco" so many times i can't count........

  2. It might have nothing to do with him being Moroccan if he is "black", my husband is half African half Moroccan but he looks "black" and people judge him.

    racism will never die, just ignore it.

  3. I've often worried about how my husband is going to be treated.  He doesn't really look Moroccan, Arab, Muslim, etc. cuz he is light skinned, but I still worry.  My first husband is a Mexican and when we moved to this state I worried how he would be treated because he looks like a Native American and they have really been discriminated against.  In the beginning we heard some racial slurs, but not in several years.  Unfortunately this kind of behavior is going to continue because there are too many people who think they are better than someone else simply based on their race, culture, religion, etc.  I hope your husband knows that most of us find that kind of treatment disgusting.

  4. That is appalling. I have never encountered racism in Morocco, it is a Muslim state as you know, and Muslims dont even comment on personal things i.e. someone being overweight, walking with a limp.......

    However, here imn England, I had to call the police as a young Lithuanian man was being provoked and eventually attacked by an Englishman just because he was a foreigner in our country. We helped the poor fellow, and what an embarrassment to know our fellow englishmen are treating people wish such racism such disrespect for mankind.

  5. i think "Koula" and "Nadia" say what i wanna say , you know


    Make Love

    Stop Racism

  6. Racism is everywhere.....its called boredom I think any excuse to pick on someone...And it has a lot to how you are brought up because the feelings or the some of our thinking comes from our see little children playing together easily enough not even noticing that eachone could be of different race but as adults you think we could be more mature and make a a decision individually as each person has there own personality....but I think people are racist to some extent in every country even in Morocco..some dont like black....a lot dont like Jews so its even in his own country dont worry about it sometimes men to say things in humour not allways meaning what they really say but just give it back in a humourous way...its not what you say but how you say can mention to your husband that people that put other people down usually do it to make themselves look better ...and my dad allways sais when you point a finger!!! how many are pointing back at you? do it see how many...anyway goodluck and all the best tell him to cheer up everything will be ok ...its not his problem its there problem..

  7. That's really sad. I have been living in the US for 3 years and I haven't experienced any discrimination or racism against me or any of my few Moroccan friends. Incidentally, I have witnessed discrimination against Blacks, Hispanics...I wonder what kind of racism he experienced: religious, color, Language barrier...Racism is a visual ideology based upon stereotypes, Obama called it "backward looking." He needs to know that: He's a better person than the person who stooped so low to make a racist comment.

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