
Mortgage company always at our house?

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Our mortgage company is a royal pain in the a-s-s. They send a representative to our house every other month, to do a "survey"- basically a guy knocks on our door at like 8 am. (Which is a pain when getting kids breakfast and all that.)

Then the guy asks things like -- "Do you and (hubby) still live here full time? Do you have children under the age of 16 still? DO you know you must inform us of any new occupants? What is your current home phone number and income? Are you doing any home renovations? Are you still empolyed at (name of work)? Anything you woul dlike to inform us about?"

It is really invanse and a total PAIN. I wasn't aware mortgage companies could show up at your door and ask questions. I mean, we pay our mortgage, so why the h**l do they need to do surveys every 2 months?! It really is starting to p**s me off. Apparently they drive around to all the homes in town that are with their mortgage company and do the same thing.

Are they allowed to do this?!




  1. I would be extremely careful when giving out the kind of information you're giving out.

    Next time someone comes around tell them to give you a phone call and then close the door nicely.  I would not feel under any obligation to answer those kinds of questions in person when they could telephone you.

    In fact why would they need to know any of that?  That is your home.  As long as you're making the monthly payments on time that is all they should be concerned about.  They may have the legal right to do spot checks but it's never happened to us- ever.

    The next time they come and ask you, "Anything you would like to inform us about?" tell them your hemorrhoids have really been bothering you lately and if they can recommend anything.

  2. I have never heard of this ever. Are you financed with a local finance company at a high rate or what? Refinance this note so they can go away.

    I am a mortgage banker in TN & KY

  3. I've been in the business over 20 years and never heard of this.  Did you get a quirky loan?  Look at your paperwork to see if the bank states they are going to do this.  My guess is it's the loan officer wanting to refinance you.  Don't give them any more information, identity fraud?

    When they ask if you still have children under 16, tell them "not any more, I sold them on Craig's list to make the mortgage payment".  Oh that will get you in trouble with CPS.

    Write a letter, send it registered (for proof), telling the bank this is harassment and next time they send someone out you will call the police.

  4. Never heard of this.

    Are you buying or renting to own?

    "inform us of any new occupants" If you are truly buying, this is really funny!

    If your credit is good, refinance and get rid of them.

    Are you sure he is from the company?

    Send them a letter about the time they show up and your feelings on the matter.

  5. .  Intriguing.  Mortgage companies have always wondered if people cheated.  Did they say they would live in a house but really use it as a rental to make a profit.  But hiring a "survey" would cost tons of money.  What if no one answers the door.  What have they learned? Try that.  Don't go to the door if you don't know who it is.  

  6. I can’t see why they wouldn’t be allowed, but it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.

    Have you called them to ask why they’re doing this and if they’ll stop?  I’d at least try.

  7. No, but sometimes large companies get wires crossed.  Call the company that is obviously harassing you and complain.  If they keep showing up at your door, threaten to sue them for harassment.  If your mortgage papers didn't give them implicit permission to do this, you have a good case.

  8. It sounds like a bunch of harassment and stalking to me. It's none of their business, even if you own them money what ages your children are and who is living there. You aren't renting the place. Tell them they can come at decent times of the day and see if you can schedule the day if they really MUST survey this place, although I can't imagine why the heck they are doing that in the first place. Can you get an order to keep them away and/or change mortgage companies?

  9. They are verifying the property is owner occupied,

    I am surprised they are doing this more then once a year, but yes, they have a major lien on the property and can verify that their investment is OK.

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