
Mosiquito bite, i think???

by  |  earlier

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im not sure what i got bit from but the bite has gotten swollen i havent scratched it or nothing, its like a big bite and a big ring around it where its swollen, i kno gross but..wat shuld i do or put on it..i also have very sensitive skin??? help!!!!!!




  1. Try applying ice to it and a little bit of cortizone cream.

  2. If you aren't sure you got bit then don't rule out something else like an abscess, skin infection etc.

    How long have you had this? If you JUST noticed this, then you could have been bitten. If it has been getting bigger over a few days... it could still be a bite or it could be some type of an abscess.

    You need to go to the clinic or doctor's office.  They need to rule out that you were bit by a poisonous spider - or have an abscess.

    Take some benadryl now by mouth, don't use any cream.  You don't want to open the wound by accident or add any potential for additional infection to be introduced to the site.

    If you decide not to go to the doctor and wait it out, that is your choice. However, if you start to see a bright red stripe running up your extremity toward your heart (you didn't mention where you got bit) then you need to got to the emergency room ASAP.  Then this swollen area has become very serious and you are in potential danger of a super bad blood infection.

  3. i have one of thoseon my ankle too! i think it is actually a spider bite though. masquito bites only get big when itched. if it is a sider bite, dont worry, just put on some anti-itch cream or courtizone (sp?) and ur fine

  4. Its a mosquito bite!!! deal with it! i get them all the time and nothing happens! just put calamine lotion on it and dont itch. nothing is gonna happen!!!

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