
Moslimsin the Ramadan, why these cities are holy?

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  1. karbala ,qum ,najaf   is not consider a holy place  in our religion

    makka ,meddina ,jeruslim is  consider holy places in our religio

    mother fooker  check ur spelling  

  2. the first three are holy for obvious reasons as mentioned in the Quran and sunnah.   the last three are holy only for shia

  3. As per the Quran: ONLY and ONLY Mecca is the sacred place due to Kaaba.

    However, for the Sunnis and Shias, even Medina is holy, due to the grave of the prophet.

    As far as Jerusalem is concerned, it is considered holy by the Muslims for the following reasons:

    1-  There are graves of some Prophets there.

    2-  It is THOUGHT (Not true in my opinion) that it was the FIRST Qibla (direction in which the salat (contact prayer) is offered).

    3-  There is another very fuzzy reason that is OFTEN exploited and made the ROOT cause to make it important. And the reason is that as per the SECONDARY source of Islam (Hadith and Sunnat) according to the Sunnis and Shias. There are a few prophecies that are attached to Jerusalem. One of these prophecies is that near the end of times, when the Dajjal (Anti Chris) (Mythical character) would appear and wipe the whole world. Then the ONLY places left and resisting his powers will be the Arabia and Jerusalem. At that point, another character (awaited Mythical) "Mehdi" will appear and will gather the forces of Muslims in Jerusalem for a Final conflict with the forces of Dajjal. Just when the forces will be organized, Isaa (Jesus) will descend on the mosque of Al-Aqsa, with the sole mission to Kill Dajjal.

    This is one reason, that is often made the basis of possession of Jerusalem and guarding of the mosque of Al-Aqsa.


    Regarding the rest e.g. Karbala, Qum and Najaf, they are important to the Shia sects.

    Karbala is the place where the remaining family of prophet was killed.

    Qum is a place in Iran, which I think is NOT holy, but is a center of learning.

    Najaf , I don't really know about its significance.


    The matter of Hadith and Sunnat and the matter of Israa & Miraj is a very debatable issue.

    The word used regarding prophet Mohammad's Miraj (ascension) in the Quran is "Masjid - Al -Aqsa".

    This word should be taken in the meanings INSTEAD of Noun. The reason is that the the mosque of Al-Aqsa was BUILT approx. 5-7 years AFTER the death of prophet Mohammad e.g. approx. 638 A.D.

    The words "Masjid Al-Aqsa", means "Farthest place of prostation". This place may not be on Earth e.g. in the heavens. Why the Muslims took it as Jerusalem. Well !! may be because the Farthest place of Salat (Prayer) in those times was Jerusalem.

    In any case Ascension to heavens has nothing to got with being holy, as there is no religious rite attached to it. If such things are to be considered holy, then the first question should be put to the Arabs, as to why they did NOT preserve the place of birth of prophet e.g. In Mecca and even in Medina, there is absolutely no trace of the house of the prophet.

  4. i Agree with Not Afraid 2 Stand Alone!!

  5. erm I have to ditto #1 answer..

    and where is Qum and Najaf.. never heard of those.. sorry

  6. Makka is where the ka'ba is Islam's holiest mosque, Mecca is also where Muhammad(saw) was born where the Qur'an was revealed where Islam was born.

    Madina is the second holiest place, it is where Prophet Muhammad(saw) migrated when he was persecuted in Mecca. Madina is where Islam flourished and Islam was established, it is known as the city of the Prophet(saw) it is where Muhamamd(saw) died and is buried.

    Jerusalemm is our third holiest city, Jerusalem is where Masjid u aqsa is located.

    Karbala, Najaf are shia holy cities, I do not know much about them.

    I have no idea where qum is.

  7. Jerusalem should not be a Holy city to Muslims. The only hing there is the dome of the rock where Muhommad is supposed to have ascended to Heaven...but, everyone knows where he is buried! Alson, dome of therock is built upon the 2nd temple of the Jews and both Quran and Bible and Torah agree that third temple will be, where will go the dome? It is simply a distraction and cause of trouble to the world. Mecca and Medina are Muslims Holy places.

  8. only the first 3 cities, the last 3 r not, in fact they r holy coz the other cities r not!

  9. us mUslims.

    these cities are holy as they play a major role in islamic history. some are more holy than others, some more holy to specific people than others (shias are more in to karbala as they pay a lot of attention to imam hussain and ali (ra) and the other two are more shia holy cities)

  10. Sorry I dont consider Karbala ,Qum, and Najaf as  holy cities.

    There are only 3 holy cities in Islam and they are

    1. Mecca



  11. we have 3 cities

    1)Mecca ( coz Ka'aba is there)

    2)Madeenah(the city of the prophet)

    3) Al-Quds(Jerusalem)= it was the 1st Kibla(direction) and bcoz Israa and Mi'arajj

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