
Mosquito Backyard nightmare?

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I live in a townhouse community in Frederick Maryland. Maryland has had an unusual amount of rain this season which has contributed to a massive mosquito issue. Unfortunately for me... I can only control my property and not my neighboors. I have checked my yard for standing water and made sure that there is none...however several properties are vacant and who knows what is happening over there...

Needless to say being outdoors right now at my house is not happening without totally saturating myself with bug spray. This is a problem because i have pets and in a hurry I cannot always apply the bug stuff while letting my pets in and out and running out quickly to do small chores. Literally I get bitten at least 10+ times every time I am out for a matter of minutes. I don't know what I can do... Are there any home remedies I can set up outside to kill them or lore them away? Other than dressing up as an astraunaut to keep from being eaten alive I am at a loss and its making my summer miserable...

Any advice would be great!




  1. 1.  Many communities have community mosquito abatement services.  Contact your health department to see if you have one and advise them of your problem

    2. What we see as standing water is not necessary for mosquitoes.  Long lasting mud is enough for mosquitoes to breed.  If your community is not going to recognize and correct the problem with fogging, you should do something in your yard. Going out and fogging your yard once a day will reduce the numbers of mosquitoes.

    3. The candles, bug zappers, and other mosquito repellents all allow some relief. It may seem that attrition is not the best way to manage them, but if nothing else, why not.

  2. Citronella, citronella - candles and incence sticks- I find incense sticks work the best.  I have major mosquito problems in a New York bedroom community which is in the prosses of having its old homes replace by apartments. There are 8 construction sites on my street alone = lots of standing water, mud, trash & discarded containers. I stick the incense sticks in the pots around the patio and in my garden beds.

    Also if you can grow it, plant cilantro here and there and everywhere in your garden. It's amazing - it repels the skeeters from the immediate area.

    Good luck.

  3. We make our own remedy, mix half lemon scented ammonia and half lemon scented dish soap in one of those containers you hook to your garden hose, and spray the lawn, works great for us.

  4. My mom takes vitamins b12 and some other b vitamin, and ever since mosquitos won't even touch her. Try taking specifically a B vitamin not a multi-vitamin for a few days. If not try applying a repellent with deet in it.

  5. Get a bottle of 'ortho skeeter b-gone' or cutter 'bug killer'  hook it to your garden hose, and spray everything.  the building, the lawn the alley the proprety around, the porch, you name it, spray it.  you can spray it safely on trees and plants, just keep it off of vegitation.

    It will keep your area skeeter free for at LEAST one month.

    It's around 9 bux a bottle here in IL.  I use it once a month in the summer and my property is 100% bug free.  No need for bug spray!!

  6. If your community has a home owner association.I would contact them.I would also contact the city.If they know that there is a problem sometimes they will help you or the least direct you.If to no avail.A bottle of Clorox,and a walk around the community.Texas has so many  foreclosed properties,swimming pools have become infested,causing real health problems.They go around and pour oil on the waters,even adding,mosquito eating fish.I would get determined,heart worms in pets come from mosquitoes.

  7. Go to the store and buy some mosquito candles and buy a few. those things work really good.  

  8. Would the community allow bat houses? Bats are notorious for getting rid of the mosquitoes

  9. I agree with the bat house idea.  I also suggest that you avoid wearing bright clothes outside, I have always heard they are attracted to bright colors, that is why kids get bitten so easily.  Chances are you will not be able to lore them away, because of the neighborhood situation.  Just try to continue spraying, I have also heard that smoke will keep them at bay, maybe if you could find a way that will allow smoke while out there it could help, just don't take up smoking!

  10. take brewers yeast and a b-vitamin supliment (give brewers yeast to the dogs too to help them not get bitten.)

    you might also want to invest in a mosquito magnet!

    we got one about 6 months ago and its made a HUGE difference

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