
Mosquito bite followed by rash. (had it checked out but)...?

by Guest61888  |  earlier

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First of all we just moved here and don't have a doctor yet (no one can get me in until well into next week)

Okay so Monday I went to see a Nurse Practitionar at a minute clinic at the pharmacy. We just moved and don't have a doctor here yet she said it didn't look infected and gave me Triamcinolone acetonide cream 0.025%

The bite came up Saturday night and by monday it was red so I went to have it checked out that afternoon. yesterday it still looks very bad. Should I go back or wait and see if it goes down. It hasn't itched but for the first night and now today and yesterday. Monday it had a white ring around it but then it got a little bigger and that went away. If its starting to itch is that a good thing? It doesnt hurt. i'm just worried about it. And don't know what the next step is.

I sent my mother a picture and she thinks its just a bad reaction (she is a nurse as well) but I'm worried about it. She said it could take a number of days to get better

Here are pictures of it




Today (FRIDAY) the redness has gone down quite a bit and I'm seeing my actually skin color coming through. I don't know though if it would be worthwhile getting it checked out again.




  1. Have you had a mosquito bite before that caused this type of reaction?  If not, I suspect that it wasn't the culprit.  It may have been a spider bite for example.  It looks like an allergic response to something.  Go back to the Nurse Practitioner, and have her take another look at it.  She may provide a short course of oral prednisone to counteract the bodies reaction to the inflammation.

    Disclaimer:  the information provided in the answer to this question is in no way intended to give medical advice or interfere with treatment provided by a licensed Physician.  The person asking the question is hereby advised he/she should seek licensed medical assistance if necessary.

  2. I live in a rice growing village in rural Thailand. Being bitten by mosquito's is part of everyday life here.We just ignore it. It looks like yours is pretty much better now. You will, after awhile, build an immunity to it. As a precaution ask if there are malaria carrying mosquito's in your area, there are here but we have to live with that minor risk.


    In case R Breezy has worried you about HIV/AIDS read the following website. Mosquito's do not pass on the HIV virus. Yes they can spread some diseases but only if they are already prevalent in your area.

  3. Aids or some other blood disease.

    Mosquitos do carry diseases you know.

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