
Mosquito bites... in cheshire...? This is new..? Global warming..?

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I have two nasty *** bites on my foot and leg... never in my life have I been bitten buy mosquitos in britain before..

Whats going on here..?




  1. Everything is global Warming just ask your local "Global Warming Worshipper"

  2. well i don't know where you have been for the last 2 yrs but now in Britain we have our own mosquito from all the foreign ones coming over in fruit and food that actually survive and start interbreeding. also they can survive allot better due to the dramatic change in our climate.

  3. Sure it's not just midge bites??!!!!

  4. We've always had mosquitos here - in the C18th East Anglian people were known as 'yellow bellies' because of the skin changes associated with malaria. Our current mossies don't carry the malaria parasite - yet.

    You've probably been bitten many times, but have not reacted until now. When we kept cats, I reacted badly to flea bites on my legs, but my husband never felt a thing.

  5. get ready for alot of unique  things to start happening ,earthquakes manytimes stronger and toronadoes and hurricaines  ,twisters   alot more, and a shortage of gas as prices soar prices , oh did i mention the green house effect??humm i am sure it was mentioned  back in the 80s ...GUESS NO BODY WAS LISTENING THEN EITHER ,YEP its mosquitos on vacation !!HEY GO TO MYSPACE.COM AND  LOOK UP           BIGTOE  

    or      peace to all !

  6. Sounds like bed bugs.

  7. It could have been anything that bit you.

    And just so you know, you get bitten on your feet if they smell! They are attracted to the smell of sweat!

    Try washing your feet regularly and you won't get bitten again.

  8. The migration of some insects northward is an obvious consequence of global warming.  The diseases (harmful to humans) that move with them is one of the concerns of climate scientists.

  9. i saw a mozzy on my friend  in South Wales. i hit it away but she got bitten somewhere else all the same. it was dark though and it could've been a gnat bite, they are more common.


  11. All it means is you got none moving water laying around some where

  12. WOW...there been mosquito bites in cheshire that's a first isn't it?

  13. are you sure it aint flea bites

  14. Did you see what bit you? Are they not horsefly bites?. Nasty little bleeders they are.

  15. You have been exceptionally lucky, mosquito bites are common here, little bleeders.

  16. The mosqitoes are coming!  The mosquitoes are coming!

    They are migrating from areas like the swamps of China.  And they are running from the pesticides.

  17. It is climet change thats atracting the mosquitos and I've got bit as well.

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