
Moss Identification?

by Guest63482  |  earlier

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i need help determining which kind of moss this is..

I know that mosses are bryophytes, but there are also specific kinds of mosses..

If you can give me the scientific name of the moss, I will give you the best answer..

direct link to picture:




  1. There's not enough detail in your photo to be able to identify the moss with a great deal of certainty.  Like other plants, the identification is based on the reproductive structures, which rrequires seeing these under magnification.  I can't even make out if they're present on your moss, nor can I get a good view of the "leaf" structure.

    Some genera you might try googling photos of from the web to compare with yours are Tetraphis, Pogonatum, Leucobryum, Aulacomnium, and/or Orthotrichum.  This link shows a diagram of a moss, which should help with the structure terminology.  There are also links describing the different families of mosses.

    This link is a key to mosses, based on habitat and characteristics if you want to try to identify yours:

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