
Moss Motorsports?? Success or Failure?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike Moss going to be a driver, or just own Moss Motorsports?...i think it would be pretty cool to see him in NASCAR..well, if he is actually good




  1. depends if the equiptment is good or if they have a decent driver

    well seeeeeeeee

  2. i think a success as the years progress.

    and no he is not going to be a driver just a owner

    he's focused on football right now

  3. alot of money, somewhat succes

  4. i think he is just the owner, but i dont think it'll be a success

  5. I know he WANTS to drive the truck but if he wants to get his team going in the right direction he will just stick to ownership.  His ego will probably take over his judgement and he will end up trying to drive in a couple of races.  Once he crashes, and risks getting injured, the Patriots will put an end to that and he will just go away.  It is well intentioned but not thought out very well, in my opinion.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  6. DIdn't they do a top ten list about this?

    Moss will be a financial backer, not a driver.

  7. It will truly depend on the people that his team hires. Talented drivers and money aren't the keys to success in any of NASCAR's top three divisions, or any high level division for that matter. Look at Team Red-Bull, they pretty much have access to the same amount of funds as any of the top teams, and they sucked last year. Now they have the right man helming the ship, and they are coming on fast.

  8. No moss isn't going to drive. But it will be interesting to see how his team does.

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