
Most Americans have never heard of , usury . Do you know what it stands for ?

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Usury , is rich people taking advantage of poor people by lending them money on terms that are sure to make them fail .

Aren't we having usury in America today ?

The three religions , Judaism , Christianity and Islam had a moral prohibtion against usury because they recognized that society can't function like that .

Why has it taken the Fed so long to put an end to predatory practices by the banks ?




  1. In fact Judaism has no rules regarding usury.  When the catholic church declared it a sin in the middle ages, the only moneylenders left were Jewish.  If you read Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice you will find where the term Shylock (as a slang term for moneylender) came from.

    It's why most of today's banks are owned by Jews, and they are the ones in America committing usury .

  2. Ginger, thanks for an excellent observation and question.  In this cesspool of misinformed, muddled thinking called YA!  you are a breath of fresh air.

    I've heard usury defined more loosely, as simply lending of money for interest. . .. but your moral slant is legitimate.  And by that definition, yep - this is usury all right.  I'm amazed the banks have gotten away with this nonsense for so long.  I remember my CC interest rate going from 8% to 19% overnight for no apparent reason - or any I could decifer in the small print anyway - and that was over 10 years ago.

    Seems it has taken a crashing economy to finally force the legislature's hand to deal with the out of control lenders.  Sad.

  3. Would you like to become the next Cuba?? ¿no?...Well..If you people start asking for "this" kind of self-protection , be sure: you will end as the foomen of the Castro´s.

  4. mortgage rates are around 6.5 percent. that is not considered usury.

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