
Most Funding on credit report?

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Most funding reported to 2 credit bureaus on my credit report and I have no idea who they are.




  1. Not sure what you are asking, but there are 3 credit bureaus:

    Equifax, TransUnion, & Experian.

  2. You can use credit repair agency to fix it - for example this one - - They can clean lots of such bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster than yourself, so your credit will go up fast.

  3. I think she is asking about a creditor/collection account named "Most Funding".

    Dispute the account on each bureau they are reporting to as "not mine" and see if they fall off in 30-45 days. You might have an old account out there that charged off and you forgot about.

    Or they could have screwed up reporting it to your file because your name is similar to someone else's.

    I have a link to a site I run in my profile that gives you some free information to help you if you don't know how to dispute, get your credit reports, etc.

  4. Then you should contact your the creditor, because the credit bureaus will tell you to do so.  Call them, and write them and follow up again and again until it is resolved.  After you have made contact you should  dispute them.  If you still don't get them off, then you have to  contact the FTC and let them know.

  5. If you don't know what it is, dispute it to the credit bureaus.  

    If that doesn't get it removed, send a certified, return receipt letter to the creditor requesting validation to include copies of any contracts or other documentation that proves the debt is yours.  Give them 30 days.

    If they don't validate, dispute with the credit bureaus again, attaching a copy of your validation request, indicating that they failed to validate.  That will get it removed.

    If they do validate, you should have all the ammunition to negotiate or dispute the debt.

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