
Most Haunted Live question?

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has this programme had its day or what?

its all complete balderdash

if they've been underground for all that time, surely 'lack of air' would be considered as a contributing factor of their imagnations...or am i missing the point




  1. yeah ive gone off it too. everythin seems to happen just before they finish up for the night or just when the camera moves off them-how coincidental!!

  2. i used to love this progamme. i went to watch it be filmed tonight and be in the audience and am sorry to say it was poo!!! we left at 9:30pm and came home. it was really boring!!

  3. Yeah, you missed the point.

    You are suppose to act scared.

  4. Yeah I thought that too! And that psychic guy is really c**p!

  5. i agree, after a while its not really that exiting, back in the day it was the real mccoy, everybody watched it.

  6. What gets me is that they say

    'We've had LOTS of reports of a strange dog/cat/ghost/man walk past on webcam 3'

    THEN SHOW US  - has anything EVER been recorded on a webcam??

    I m moving onto TAPS - ghosthunters.  They dont believe waht they see/hear but try and disprove 'disturbances'

    By the way I cant view all 4 webcams -  its just mad flickering on each, so is my friends!

  7. It's getting a bit repetitive after a million series of exactly the same thing. I would only regain interest if they started conducting serious experiments rather than just running about screaming so that even if there was a ghostly noise we couldn't hear it properly!  

  8. I am a believer in the paranormal and that show is a load of c**p, it really is.

    In it's hayday, 1st,2nd,3rd,4th series, it was brilliant.

    Now they want fame + money.

    Edit: Something I did watch a few weeks back was a show called 'Ghost Hunt', if you have Sky, it is on the 'Zone Reality' channel (146), it is also channel 146 if you have Virgin TV.

    It is completely different to MH, there are 2 investigators and 1 man who observes LOADS of cameras stood on tripods.

    It is an amazing show, I watched 6 episodes all in on go and although all the locations are in New Zealand, it is ghost-hunting at its best.

    The 2 investigators have a helmet with a light + camera attached, they also have a camera pointing at their faces so we can see how scared they are!

    I recommend you watch it, it is far better than MH.

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