
Most Haunted Subtitles?

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When someone makes a prediction about the history of a place on the show Most Haunted and they show that info on the screen, is that info supposed to be the facts, or what the psychic says happened? Are we supposed to pretend like the psychics didn't research the place before hand?

I guess I don't understand that show. Nothing really happens, and nobody really makes any psychic revalations that are not already known.

Is the idea just to watch the chubby blond girl freak out in that green and white night-vision everytime they hear a noise?




  1. Remember it's television - which means they edit as they see fit (it doesn't have to be presented in real time order) so as to enhance the viewing drama - and to make you come back for the nest episode.

    But let's get real - what's the better explanation, that the departed wander in this plane forever and never find solace or that the producers want people to tune in.

    Apply Occam's Razor and draw your own conclusion.

  2. I only watched the show once.Like you it left me asking questions.Besides your good questions.Why don't they bring a few extra batteries?Better yet why not turn on the lights and use wall sockets?If I can digitally remove hiss from 30 year old tapes and records.Why can't the fix up those recordings?Even their own voices sound horrible.The biggest question was how can people believe that junk?

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