
Most Overrated Movie Ever?

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My Vote goes to the Godfather Films.




  1. The Dark Knight

    If Heath Ledger hadn't have died this movie would be in the trash pile where it belongs. FACT.

  2. There have been a few in my latest has to be that bloody mama mia c**p...

  3. Citizen Kane.  Maybe it's just my Gen X showing, but I thought it was a tedious bore.

  4. Titanic

  5. 8 mile i think

  6. scarface

  7. Gladiator, Superbad, 300, The Dark Knight, The Ring, The Godfather, Juno, Harry Potter, Amelie, Clockwork Orange, Borat, Any movie with Renee Zellwegger, Little Miss Sunshine, The Exorcist...

    However, I would say "Superbad" and "The dark knight" are on top of that list, since Superbad wasn't really that funny and it obviously isn't the best comedy in the last decade... And you wanna know why the dark knight is more overrated than the Godfather?

    Cause the Dark Knight surpassed the godfather in the imdb best 250 films.

    PS. And to the guy that said Suspiria sucks, he obviously doesn't know Argento at all, since Argento doesn't CARE about stories!! That's why Suspiria has a weak story! Duuuuuh

  8. I agree it is the Godfather, all of them! The most recent would be "I am Legend". PU that movie stank!

  9. All of your choice pretty much suck...just saying. Instead of going with just YOUR own personal taste go for a film that most people look at and think...Why is that so great? Becuase quite frankly....the majority of people out there really like the films you guys are ragging on...including critics and film proffessors.......get real with your choices.

    Now 2001: a Space Odyssey...that is WAY over rated...along with Suspira...2001 changed sfx...sure...and Suspira is beautiful to look at....BUT...both stories are horrible...infact what the h**l is 2001 about anyway??? Talk about abstract.

  10. Are you kidding me!!!!!! The Godfather films were great. 300 has to be the most over rated in my book.

  11. if you men overrated like the rating pg.g my vote is tropic thunder

  12. star wars

  13. I say either The Dark Knight or Scarface

  14. any and all movies with Nicolas Cage...How can he still be getting work...His hair plugs must be in high demand!!!

  15. I agree with Kevin.  Titanic all the way. What a piece of garbage.

  16. 300, Superbad, Titanic, ET (Spielberg made a much better alien movie in the 70s), I wouldn't say that the Dark Knight is overrated, but if Ledger hadn't died, the movie wouldn't be getting nearly the publicity it has now. Its a great movie, but i dont think it deserves to be 3 on IMDB's top 250.  

  17. My vote goes to "Titanic" with "Saving Private Ryan" a very close second.  Dishonorable Mention goes to "AI: Artificial Intelligence."

    "The Godfather" Pts I&II are among the finest films ever made.

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