
Most Overrated President? Most Underrated President?

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Well I think the most overrated President Is JFK, everybody loves him cause he was young and got assassinated...

Also I think Herbert Hoover is very underrated. Just be cause he was president during the Great Depression. And sure at first he didn't help in the begging, but he did help at the end. I bet if FDR was president during the great depression he would not have won the second election...

Also FDR is also overrated...




  1. Overrated: Bill Clinton

    Underrated: George W. Bush

  2. Overrated: Bush (both of them)

    Underrated: Carter

  3. I think I agree with you about the overrated part.  I like John F. Kennedy and I respect his service to this country completely, but I still think he's overrated.  The whole reason he was made such a big deal was because his death.  But I do have to say that he did a good job trying to initiate the process of getting rid of the mafia.  That's probably why people praise him so much.  Because he was assassinated by the group that he was trying to demolish.  I still respect his service, but I do agree in saying that he is extremely overrated.  The most underrated president- I wouldn't really know because he IS underrated.  

    Well, actually, George W. Bush may be one of the most underrated.  He was elected twice by the same people that totally disclaim him now.  I don't really like Bush that much but I do feel sorry for the way the media has made him look terribly worse than he really is.

  4. Overrated: Bill Clinton

    Underrated: George W. Bush

  5. JFK overated. Bill Clinton underated

  6. Same answer -  Dubya.  Nobody thought he could mess up this bad and get elected twice.

  7. Over rated would be president Clinton and the most under rated would be president John Adams.

  8. Most over-rated is Ronald Reagan.  The most under-rated is probably Dwight Eisenhower.

  9. Overrated: Obama



  10. Over-rated?  JFK.  He ignored Ike's warning about lobbyists and Ike's policy about avoiding small scale conflicts.  JFK launched the Bay of Pigs Invasion only AFTER he'd canceled the support for the operation -- in essence, he murdered all 2510 men who'd trusted him.  He got us into Vietnam and as a senator, not only voted against Civil Rights but rewrote the bill so that it even though it would pass, it would be worthless.  The guy was huge in cronyism -- he made his baby brother AG...

    Under-rated?  Herbert Hoover.  He was accused of being a do nothing president when referring to the depression.  But most economists today now believe (through the use of models) that his was indeed the better answer.  They believe that FDR's "New Deal" did far more harm than good.  The "New Deal" set the economic recovery back by about ten years.  Some of which, we are still paying for.

  11. Overrated: Bill Clinton, JFK

    Underraterd: LBJ- did what he had to to stop the spread of communism throughout Asia,  

  12. I think the most overrated president is Ronald Reagan. People say how great he was, but he never did anything to help people who had HIV/AIDS when it first appeared in the 1980's. Not sure about the most underrated president however.

  13. George Bush is the most overrated.  All he's done is give the poor a headache, the rich and CEO businesses real tax cuts, locked us into two wars and generally bungled and stumbled till the world opinion of us sank.  Yet people still like him?

    Bill Clinton is the most underrated.  He balanced the budget.  He pushed Congress till they raised the minimum wage (no way a Republican congress did something like that for the people, 'cause when Bush was president what did they do?).  He left a surplus.  He gave heaps of money to New York City and made the racist (sided with cops over Diallo), incompetent (9 / 11--one tower fell and he saw another plane and did nothing)  bully Guiliani look like an average mayor.  You want to tell me you would still pick King George III?  Clinton's scandals were nothing compared to Bush's.

    Clinton:  Monica Lewinsky, White water

    Bush:  Abu Gharib, 2000 stolen election, C.I.A. agent outed, lies about WMDs in Iraq, ignores UN and invades both Afghanistan and Iraq, watched New Orleans drown...literally, spying on civilians... should I go on, or should I mercifully end this?  Clinton did everything he could to fix the nation, Bush did everything he could to waste the money and sabotage everything he touched.  Mercifully, the God of heaven is offering us an escape clause in the Bush nightmare.  It ends in January.

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