
Most Popular Scam People Fall For?

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Doing an assignment. Ask which scam is most popular and what happens to the victims, how do they target their victims and how can you avoid it.




  1. I think the most popular scam is the one that ask you for your personal information when you're online. They usually ask you to give out personal information in order to receive a free laptop, videogame system, etc.

  2. 1

    Hi its you bank here we have had a system crash/do you want to update your account/we seem to have lost your information please send you account number and contact details and we will rectify the situation


    You have won the lottery!! please send you account number and we will give you the funds


    Hi we are a Chinese wholesale company and we have discount goods please lok and buy (stolen and steal your money)

    its also shown most people who fall for these scams are unenployed single and/or over 60

  3. Global Warming.

    Victims believe a theory promulgated by a bunch of Luddite, Loony hippies that want everyone to live in bark huts in the country with no sanitation, medicine or TV whilst growing their own food and sleeping in their own filth.

    Avoid believing anything that the mass-hysteria loving media puts out and simply take a look at the world around you with your own eyes. Oh, and don't forget to take into account that humans view the world through a very narrow timescale that is completely useless at looking at the "Big Picture"...

  4. In Australia at the moment there is a big issue with premium content messages.

    this site details what I'm talking about:

    also if you navigate around it has details about other scams to look out for a handy reference for your assignment

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