
Most Valuable Person???

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What one person is the most important person to have in order to put on a good wrestling show.

I would say Vince Russo for my pick.




  1. Steve Austin. That man creates things out of his head that were bigger than anything Russo ever did. Also, Russo killed WCW and is killing TNA. Austin made the Attitude era, not Russo.

  2. John Cena (soooo Hot)!!!

  3. It certainly would NOT be Vince Russo ... he DID kill WCW and the Crockett Promotions .

    However; I'd say that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin would definately get things shakin' in the WWE if given the opportunity .

    Take note that Steve is currently in TALKS with the WWE about coming to the WWE in a non wrestling role ; perhaps even as a G/M of one of the brands ..

  4. the rock.......................................

  5. MVP lol

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