
Most annoying driving habits?

by  |  earlier

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I REALLY hate people who:

Tail on motorways.

Use their mobile phones (espetially on a roundabout!!)

Those who don't indicate.

What annoys you?




  1. Weaving, revvers and people who hog the road...

  2. people who don't indicate.  

    people who don't switch their lights on when it's getting dark/is dark.  

    when you've spotted an emergency vehicle in your rearview mirror (lights and sirens) and pulled over somewhere safe/out the way to let them past, and the car behind you pulls round in front of you, only to have to pull over somewhere awkward to let them past!  do these people not look?!

    People with their music on so loud that you can hear it in your car, over the top of your own music!

    When you indicate to change lanes, and the car sitting behind and to the side of you, rather than letting you move across, speeds up to close the gap, so that you have to wait for a gap behind them to appear.

  3. It's rush hour, everybody is moving right along on the freeway.  You're moving along, going with the flow of traffic in the fast lane.  Then someone in the next lane speeds up, cuts in front of you, and drops his speed.  What's with that?  Then you see everyone else around you pass you by, but you're trapped behind this one vehicle, and you notice the distance getting bigger between him and the vehicle ahead of him... other vehicles start cutting in front of him....  That's annoying.

  4. I hate driving down country roads.  Usually I'm the only car for miles & miles, but some yahoo pulling out of his driveway has to pull out in front of me, and cut me off!?!?!  He couldn't wait an extra couple of seconds?  What's up with that?  It happens all the time.

  5. i hate people who follow to close behind me,  im driving like 30mph which is the speed limit in the area, and they are right up the back of me,  trying to make me go faster... hate it..

  6. 1) Drivers who get right up behind you.

    2) Drivers that prefer to use telepathy when it comes to indicating.

    3) 'Sunday drivers'.

  7. driving for miles with your turn signals on when you aren't going to turn, or already did and just don't turn them off - drives me batty

  8. I don't know the English terminology, but I hate it when people have plenty of room to merge in front of you, but they just sit there with their blinkers on forever.  Annoys me to no end.

  9. .

    Drivers getting irritated with other drivers' behavior :)


  10. Speeding, tailgating and failure to signal for a lane change.

    Road rage include beeping the horn in a manner meant to harass, pursuing a vehicle, flashing headlights, driving with the high beams on, cutting off or swerving in front of another driver or deliberate destruction to property or person.

  11. SLOW drivers and drivers who don't pay people who don't turn when they have PLENTY of time, ones who don't know when the light turns GREEN, etc...


  12. No turn signals is one of my pet peeves too.

    It is not difficult to push a simple little lever so other drivers know what your intention is. It can be especially dangerous if the traffic is heavy or they are turning onto a side-street.

  13. Revving the engine

    Quick starts and stops

    Driving too fast for road and weather conditions

    Lack of using turn signals


  14. Here, here! Cheers to you! There are way too many other infractions and crazy things people do in their cars to list here. Sufficed to say, you hit the big ones and I agree with you!

  15. people who drive with their high beams on 24/7

    people who cut in front of you and go like  0.348295 mph

    when your stuck behind a car in front of you and a car directly next to the car in front of you who drive side by side on a 2 lane street and dont speed up so you can pass one of them

    people who dont use their turn signals

    SLOW drivers

    people who ride your *** for a million miles

    people who blare their music doesn't usually bother me but when its like country or some lame c**p that sounds horrible.. thats when i get annoyed.

  16. a tailgater, the only thing worse is the fool in front of you who won't speed up no matter how close you ride them

  17. stupid honda civics with stupid loud mufflers and the drivers think they are driving a high performance car and reving engine thinking they have 300horsepower when they really have 139horespower.

  18. People who cant wait their turn,  or try to force into a spot too small.

    Hey pinhed,   I quote --"a tailgater, the only thing worse is the fool in front of you who won't speed up no matter how close you ride them"      By riding them,  you have become that tailgater.   And I am one of those who won't reward your stupid behavior by moving over it I am operating legally and properly.   Yes,  slower traffic keep right,  but riding my butt will make us both go slower.

  19. Highbeams 27/4

  20. People who have their radio so darn loud  you can hear it in your car with the windows rolled up. People who ride others bumpers.

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