I was listening to the radio on the way to work and there were several commercials in a row (actually on different stations cause I kept switching it as soon as the next one started) that were DRIVING ME NUTS!!!
What are your pet peeve radio commercials? Do they actually make you NOT buy the products/use the company advertised?
This morning's offenders were:
Sunsetter Awnings - "Tell me about the discount, Rebecca" (they use the same script for this ANNOYING commercial over and over, and just change the name... I don't know if they think that they just can't get the right name to make the commercial work, but it's awful.
Jared Galleria of Jewelry - "That's JAAARRREEEDDDD..." and "He went to Jared!" Just grates on the ears.
And finally some product that I don't remember the name of but the commercial talks about the reason that "America is so fat" is that there is "a buildup on the colon walls like spackle or paste" SPARE ME!!!
I'm definately lost business to these.