
Most are saying Poland is in NATO, so no attack. What if Russia is unhinged and they do it?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, what do you think would happen then?




  1. Nato would respond immediately and of course we will get involved. Now if Russia is serious then there only option would be nuclear and then it's all over.

  2. Russia is a defented empire they have outdated weopans and machinary(tanks and planes), they couldnt even put body armour on most of there soliders in georgia, there only plus is there size and there nukes:)

  3. If Russia attack Poland, it would without a doubt start WW III.

    The world would not stand by and watch one NATO country be assaulted by another.

  4. Then the rest of NATO would react, as they have done in support for a certain other member as of late.

  5. NATO would invoke Article 5 of the NATO charter which states that an attack on one is any attack on all. So, NATO would counter the Russian attack.  

  6. Well, then Russia would soon have no more armor as it would be wiped out in a matter of hours. Their Air Force would be systematically eliminated and their Naval fleet decimated. It is that simple.

    Their nukes are not an issue. One launch and Russia ceases to exist while missile defense renders their own useless.

    Now maybe one can see why Russia is so upset about Missile Defense (formerly known as Star Wars)

  7. no these white europeans have become much more evolved, they would never shed their own blood anymore, russia is just alot of noise from a defeated empire

    most likely they would attack some weak islamic nation that couldnt fight back like they have in chechnya grinding them instead into oatmeal for the past decade and the world will be indifferent and silent

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