
Most black people tip very poorly, why????

by Guest44842  |  earlier

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i have worked at a restaurant for over 2 years and I can honestly say that 90% of the black people I wait on tip me VERY poorly. I am one of the nicest servers and I always get compliments from the people i wait on but they still tip bad! I work at a decent place too!




  1. i understand what you are saying. im a waitress too and not racist or anything but most, not all, black people do not tip well for me either. there are some that tip very welll though. and the ones that don't tip are the ones that run you to death.

  2. Well I am Black I and I happen to tip rather well i would say.

    But with me.. I tip according to the customer service.. and you have to be friendly..

    Then again, U have to look @ the fact that they are not obligated to tip u either,,

    SO still be gratrful hat they give u anything..

    Hope tht did not come out HARSH

  3. This is what happens-Black person comes into a restuarant.....server see that they are black....server goes with the stereotype that blacks dont tip well so server gives mediocre service. The black person after receiving poor service tips poorly. Thus the cycle continues!

  4. Ugh, I guarantee that you will get "reported" for this question. My previous account was locked because I asked a similar question.

    Anyway, a lot of time black people don't tip because they were brought up being taught that it was okay not to tip. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, I'm just answering a question.

  5. I don't know what Kris G is talking about them not being obligated to tip you... if the restaurant you work for does tip share which most do you actually lose money if you don't get a tip... and also to AMorriss's comment the standard tipping rate is 15- 20% so you shouldn't have to expect no more than 10%.... I used to be a server too and hate when people don't know how to tip... if you can't afford the service don't go out to eat

  6. I hate to say it, but it's true. My theory is they tip poorly because they want to live the high life. They want to drive the fancy Cadillacs, and in order to do that, you have to get stiffed on your tip. It's very disgraceful.

    As someone above said, the ones that don't tip are the ones that give you a ton of h**l too.

  7. Mada, I was a waitress for 4 years, and I can say that a lot of people tip badly, regardless of race. However, in your situation, it may be the location. Even if it is a "nice" restaurant, location still matters. Also, what shift do you work? People tend to tip more at a dinner service than any other time. Also, it may just be your definition of a bad tip, you never know. NEVER expect more than 10% of the bill for your tip amount. That way, when you receive more, it will be a pleasent thing for you! Good Luck!

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