
Most corrupt government?

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When it comes to government officials putting themselves and special interests ahead of what's best for the people, which country is the worst?




  1. They all are in one way or another..

  2. Most sources that popped up during a search on Google said Burma (Myanmar) has the most corrupt government in the world.

  3. The United States of America

  4. I pledge my alliegents to the Company

    that is Haliburton of America.

  5. Iceland

  6. Probably Mexico or some Latin American country.

  7. I'll go with South Africa.Then the rest of the world.We are headed for a Fascist New World Order in a few short years.All governments are Globalist and corrupt.

  8. Well since we are 5 trillion dollars in debt, you do the math.

  9. The United States of America.

  10. North Korea, Iran or Nicaragua

  11. Americas the worst we are very corrupted AND we insult and call other countrys corrupted and exaggerate to make the U.S. not sound so bad. i mean we'er basically trying to get iraq to be ower 51st state. when you think about it the usa was kinda the first government now any country that isent a government we insult sometimes go to war with so they take ower beliefs of a government

  12. I saw this question and the first thing that popped into mt head was our very own US of A. I almost didn't answer because like many others I'd been brainwashed into believing this country's faults were non-existant so imagine my surprise to see that 3-5 enlightened souls also chose Our Nation Divided. And it's also no surprise that they've received quite a few thumbs down.

    Think about this people: medical care in France, Great Britain, and Canada is free. College education in France is free. Medicine in other countries cost next-to-nothing compared to what it costs here, but the US has declared it illegal to import drugs form other countries.


    Because the poltiicians, drug companies, and HMOs are all watching each other's backs in order to fleece the American people. Imagine a country where you didn't have to worry about the cost of health care, or medicines, or education. It will never happen as long as the scum in government remains.

    And consider this: The US ranks 37th in health care internationally and a 3rd World infant has a better chance of surviving than an infant born here.

    Government of the people for the people? Bullshit!

  13. Outta the frying pan and into the what will happen with Obama. He's sounds too much like a Manchurian Candidate too me.  And I'm not talking conspiracy I'm talking about just the facts.

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