
Most creative 10pts :)?

by  |  earlier

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Im creating a film Noir and for those of you who don't know film Noir is NOT a genre its a mood....

some primary moods of classic film noir are:

-melancholy, alienation, bleakness, disillusionment, disenchantment, pessimism, ambiguity, moral corruption, evil, guilt, desperation and paranoia.

so i just want some creative storylines you guys have if this task were presented to you, or even if you have myths that i could adapt into my film would be great, just to get me on a roll :)

best idea 10pts

thanx heaps all in advance




  1. The world is called (whatever you want to call it) Terra. It is terrorised by a large entity called SIN. Sin is the embodiment of the accumulated sins of the past generations. Due to the thoughtless actions of the past generations which led to a great war for power and greed between the 2 superpowers (call them what you want), Malchiah and Lunaris. Amongst all the bloodshed and hatred, the being, SIN, appears immediately destroying Lunaris and leveling it to the ground. It then recedes into the shadows appearing whenever it feels like it. Whenever it appears, it brings only destruction and death though not on the same scale as lunaris'.

    Malchians, desperatley seeking solace and comfort, turn to a newly formed order called (Give a name you like) Illuria. The mysterious order of illuria bears teachings which claim that if we abandon the old ways and repent, sin will one day go away. Technological advancement comes to a halt under the new order which claims that should the technology exist, man will wage war again.

    This order also brings with it a way to defeat SIN albeit temporarily but only by calling forth a deadly being (Holy beast, name it what you want) more powerful than sin. (This being takes over the body of a suitable host and once SIN is gone, it recedes back to its realm taking the life of the host in the process.) One person comes forward but is not strong enough to sustain the beast so the order says that he/she must undertake a pilgrimage around the world (this is where you can make up where they have to go for this pilgrimage depending on length of film) in order to build their strength before eventually calling forth the beast and defeating sin. This sacrificial ritual goes on each time sin comes back

    Fast forward 500 years. The order has become a sort of religion with everyone in terra (save one (or more)rebellious race) obeying it strictly. The sacrifices go on and on in a vain attempt for peace. A young girl begins her own journey to stop sin with her friends as protectors and meets a man who has lost his memory. In time, he becomes a protector too and they continue on their journey.

    Now if I try and put the whole story I got in my head on to here, it would be taking up many pages so I’l shorten these parts for you as bullet points.

    •The amnesia man (not having been brainwashed by illuria) starts to see that everyone is in a false sense of security/hope. The future for terra looks very bleak to him and he starts to question the order.

    •The party soon discover that the order is corrupt and that they don’t follow their own teachings. Also, the leaders of this order have dirty secrets (murder, greed etc). Some are even the living dead (twist) .

    •Over the course of the stpry, amnesia man and hero girl (sorry, no names) fall in love (elaborate on this and make her do something which he teaches her i.e. whistle so she can do it in the ending.

    •New friend appears. Is a traitor sent from the order. (will double cross heroes or join them. You decide)

    •Eventually, they find a way to beat sin permanently

    •After beating sin, amnesia man disappears (twist, he is linked to sin somehow (you could decide how?)

    •She whistles for him to come (or whatever you chose for her to do). Nothing happens. With a heavy heart and help of friends, she moves one. Happyish ending.

    •If you want to continue and make it a sad ending you could make up a scenario such as the order comes back, seizes heroes and sentences them to death even though they beat sin OR maybe sin comes back somehow OR hero girl can’t deal with grief of losing him so she does something drastic.

    Anyway, I hope this 1st story line helped you. I’ll be working on another to help you for he other question. Again, feel free to ask me any questions regarding this if you need to. I hope I helped enough.

  2. meancholy: sadness and depression:Loved girl could not marry the boy

    Real episode:

    A very good young fellow was in love known to him,But the parents not at all agreed.They forced him o mary some one else.The girl even does not knowl After three years they had two sons born, both became under depression , the gentleman was in the same way.Only lady trying allways.Her life finished. None to care any one,Having grown bloth brothers started beating grand father ho was the cause for a wrong marriage ,The boys father too died always imagining his girl friend, Time came nd the old grand father died due to frustation


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