
Most critics panned McCain's speech. The UK guardian called him a "narcolepsy inducing contortionist." ?

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Should the GOP hang it up or will they just keep partying until voters pull the plug in Nov?




  1. I am glad to hear that youare concerned what othersthink of this country, I for one don't give a sh*t... They want to see us fail even our allies they want to be #1...but we are, and if McCain is elected will continue to be and add some distance between #2

  2. When does another country decide who become president?

  3. apparently,mccain thinks republicans are the only ones who can fix the damage they themselves have caused.

  4. Who cares what the limeys think!!!!!!!

  5. I for one really enjoyed his speech.  He's even better than I thought at first.  He's my hoagie!

  6. They'll wait of course. But maybe they should already order

    a few truckloads of L(oser)-pins.  

  7. Like in baseball, you say, "Wait till next year".

  8. I think the socialist papers in the UK should worry about the very real problems facing Britain and not be so concerned about the speaking style of John McCain.

  9. Thats cool, they be calling him President-Elect McCain in November :o)

  10. thats the reason for obama biden/08

  11. Try London Telegraph for a conservative view.

    News They didn't want you to know...

    On Wednesday night, after a two-mile trek around the city of Denver, some, 4500 to 6000 protesters presented a list of demands to Obama representaives which included immediately leaving Iraq (Cut and Run Desertion Abandonment) and ill-conceived by demented liberal sick brains, reparations for the people of Iraq over and above the billions of dollars already spent on reconstruction and rebuilding of Iraq when the Iraqis have a reported $70 Billion in oil revenues languishing that should be a drop in the bucket to repay America.

    A good part of Denver's $50,000 was spent on police over-time, riot gear, trials, and paddy wagon fuel hauling in the "Krewl Krew That Opposed Obama's Messianic Charm" to the Little Gitmo" holding warehouse or straight to Jail.

    I believe protesters did get inside but got unceremoniously arrested and hauled away so that cameras never left B Hussein O as were on protesters 6 times during McCain's speech...MaCain called it,"background noise andd static!"  which it WAS!

  12. you keep typing, we will keep gaining support and money.


    Change change change, from a community organizer.HA

  13. Since when I cares what european say? blah, blah...

    You're just jealous... If you open your thick head, you'll see how touching his speech is.

  14. I respect the man,but NOT to be president.and Palin? come on. get real.

  15. Who cares what the UK guardian says anyways. They don't vote for our president in the UK. So therefore it doesn't matter one iota what they think or say.

  16. Obviously, the Brits aren't swallowing this POW/War hero/Maverick - therefore must be President -  BS!

  17. Oh no, the critics don't like him?   THE critics????  OMG the UK Guardian------the liberal internet news site?  How could I have been so wrong as to support McCain over the Obamanator.  Why did I not check in with the liberal British fringe before I chose.   Thank you so much for opening my eyes.  

    Oh never mind,    I'm still voting for McCain/Palin

  18. You are going to be so surprised when this election is over.  It is not going to be a clean sweep that you Democrats think it will be.  It will be so close that the last hanging tags will get counted and we the Republicans will be in office again. We don't negotiate with terrorist. What do we care what the UK thinks.  They have already been taken over by the Muslims.  Remember you give them an inch and they take a mile.  

  19. As someone who lived in the UK, I know how they feel about Bush and McCain. Too bad they can't see themselves. I gather from the convention the partying was pretty boring but they'll keep it up till november. McCain will be in shock, he just said "we will win this election". Also did anyone else get a weird feeling when he said he will protect "his people" and "my people"? It was a whole room feel of non minorities and it made me wonder...

  20. That's because they're all rooting for Obama. What do you expect, objective journalism?

  21. He seemed more like a robot.  Isn't doesn't look good for them. : )

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