
Most dominating teams?????

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Which teams have dominated the AL and NL over the past 2 years?




  1. I don't know if I would say any 1 team has been dominating over the past 2 years. Red Sox come to mind but they aren't even in first right now. The only team I can think of that has held first place almost non stop are the Dbacks but I would hardly call them dominating. Maybe the Angels...

  2. No team has dominated in 2006 and 2007.

    The Angels seem to be a dominating team in 2008, as of today, August 10th, 2008.

    But, we still have 45 games to go just to determine divisional winners and/or wild cards.

    Be careful with the words "dominate or dominant".

    Baseball "especially during these days" is always in a state of flux.  

  3. Boston and LA certainly should get consideration in the AL.  Boston always seems to be in contention for 1st in the difficult AL east and have won 2 championships in the past several years.  The Angels always seem to be a contender too although they play in a weaker division.

    As for the NL, its hard to say.  The Mets and Phillies seem to have things going in the right direction although neither can seem to get it done when it matters.  The D'backs have also done well but again, play in a weaker division.

  4. well I can tell you who its not.

    its not the cincinnati Reds lol

    In the past year they have traded,

    Josh hamilton  Dumb

    Ken Griffey jr  Questionable

    Adam Dunn    I would have before griffey, but not after the griffey trade.

  5. The NL hasn't really had a dominant team over the past two years. Each year there's a lot of different playoff teams.

    Angels and Red Sox have dominated in the AL, but the Red Sox have the title so I have to pick them.

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