
Most dramatic royal family......?

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Do you think the british royals have had the most drama in their lives. Like with the whole diana thing, the funeral, the diana inquest, charles marriage to his mistress. It seems like an ongoing soap.




  1. yea, i think so... almost everybody know the story about the british royal compare to the spanish royal, right??

  2. In modern times, yes they seem the most dramatic because of their many media scandals and high profile appearances. I guess you could say the British have always had a flair for drama because the history of the British royal families are quite colorful, especially King Henry VIII LOL.

    But what about the Egyptian dynasties, Chinese dynasties, and maybe even the Greek and Roman dynasties. There's plays, poems, and stories written about the ancient Greek royal families, lol.

  3. I would have to say the royal family from Monaco

  4. Pound for pound, The House of Stuart  has furnished England and Scotland will more dramatic "entertainment" than any other monarchy.  

    ------Mary Queen of Scots: 3 marriages, beheaded by Cousin Elizabeth Tudor

    ------James I (or VI): a bisexual who lavished the treasury on male lovers, including the Duke of Buckingham

    ------Charles I: beheaded

    ------Charles II: the "Merry Monarch", bedded at least 14 mistresses, acknowledged 7 illegitimate children

    -----James II: fled into exile after the Glorious Revolution

    -----Anne:  18 childbirths, although no children lived to adulthood; politics during her reign dominated by favorites Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, and Abigail Marsham

    ------Princess Diana, incidentally, is a descendant of two of Charles II's illegitimate sons.  Camilla Parker Bowles is also a descendant of one of Charles II's illegitimate sons.

  5. it is the most entertaining soap ever...we are lucky to watch it at real time when our generation only read and hear about it as a fable.

  6. I would say that the brittish royal family is one of the most interesting. Probably it is because that us the family that I know most about! If you look at every countries history, there is almost always some drama. Like the "last" Romanov's In Russsia, The Brittish Tudor family, King David, Solomon, Maria Anetionette(sp) and the Aztec's Montezuma. And we usally completely forget the Kings that are in the MIddle east. Like, with all that oil, they are like super billionares. No kidding, they have more money than they know what to do with! They have had like a billion attacks on their lives. I would say that Napoleon lived a pretty dramatic life, too. There are a million stories out there about Royal Families that we have never heard of! So I don't thinkl that I can honestly say that the Brittish royal family is most interesting.

    Hope this helps!!!!


  7. Well it seems that you are entertained by them

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