
Most drinks in a row?

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What is the highest number of drinks you have had over the course of one night?




  1. No one gives a c**p about how much someone can drink...

  2. 14 shots of tequila or 75% of a vodka bottle. You decide which is more.

  3. i haddd eight mixed drinks and a few shots.... good night. i know a kid who finished off a 36 pack by himself. people can f'in drink

  4. 21 shots on my 21st in about 1 1/2 hours.  Needless to say not one of my most shining moments.  Spent the night in the ER - only because I tripped and f*ed up my face!

  5. One night junior year in high school I had 10 shots of liquor, 3 cups of jungle juice, and 2 really sstrong jello shots. And I had more but I blacked out. That's all I remember drinking.

  6. i had about 13-15 shots of hard liquor on my 22nd bday tha was a crazy night i woke up in a hospital lol not cool yooo
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