
Most embarrassing moments?`?

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My favorite parts of magazines are often when people talk about their most embarrassing moments. I was curious if anyone here has one that they would like to share. It's all in good fun, like the magazines, I'm not asking to make fun of anybody.




  1. i was at a sleepover at my friend's house..n i'm the i was dancing like a total r****d and saying, "leave britney alone" every1 was laughing and when i turned around my friends hot brother,my crus was standing there with a wierd look on my face.n i was so embaressed i never did that again.n now everytime i c him.he gives me the wierd look

    another time was i was texting to my crush asking him if he'd go out tonight and all..i like him and then i returned home and found out that i accidently sent out the message to my wierd student tutor.hwo was looking at me as if i was a criminal

  2. jeez i remember i was rushing for school suplies with my dad and i said "im done" then i looked up and saw a guy who was like wtf? the i found my dad and we left tha was emberassing

  3. i had just had my son  he was like a few weeks old my husband took me to see a movie and when we were getting up to leave i fell infront of like 100-200 people and everyone started to laugh i got up and laughed it off

  4. ok my bf was being dropped off by his mom so we could go to kemah(its a boardwalk) and it was the first time id meet his mom and i was kinda nervous and how usually when you meet someone they say how are you well she shook my hand and said nice to meet you and i said good and she was like WHAT??? i was like HOLY c**p!!! my mom was like dying laughing i felt like an idiot            p.s. i love that part in the magazines too!!!  :) lol

  5. My fiance and I were going to college. He lived with five other guys, but at any given time there would be one or two random guys that would stay there for the week. In order to see each other I would have to come over in the early morning between our two jobs and classes. It was that, or we couldn't see each other during the week. He started sleeping out on the couch because his roommate that shared a room with him started a graveyard shift and needed his sleep. One morning, before the sun came up, I had just let myself in to his apartment, and saw that his alarm clock was by the couch so that he wouldn't sleep through class. He hadn't been expecting me so I carefully walked through the pitch black apartment trying not to trip over anything. I wanted to surprise him with a wake up kiss, so I knelt down and started to kiss him. It was turning quite passionate when all of the sudden he went completely rigid. I sat up to see what was wrong and it wasn't my fiance at all. It was some random guy who had just happened to stay overnight. I thought I was going to die! All I could pathetically say was, "Sorry, I thought you were my fiance." His reply? Well, after he stopped laughing and could finally take a breath said "It's all good."  

  6. One if my most embarrassing moment is when I sent my daughter into a mens bathroom unknowingly, until a man walked out and my face turned BRIGHT red. The worst part was that I was yelling in the bathroom telling her what to do. I had a baby and a cart full so I could not go in with her.

  7. On my first day of middle school i decided to wear a skirt. We were running kinda late so i was running up the stairs, and i totally FELL!  and EVERYONE saw my underwear.

    it was so embarrassing, but now i can laugh about it.

  8. Gah. Me, too. Man, those stories are bloody hilarious.

    I'm quite the klutz, so I have a freaking inventory of stories to tell. I'm also a good story-teller...hahaha.

    I lied once about falling in the shower in front of my whole family. The story was about 3 percent true (the part about my mom using the toilet in the same bathroom as I was showering, simultaneously). It's extremely long, but can fill in the blanks, yes?

  9. My graduation from fifth grade, my name was called,

    everyone clapped, and when they were done clapping, and

    it was silent, my mom shouts out "I love you, boo boo!"

    After that, when we were in the cafeteria the principle

    came up to me and started doing Yogi Bear impressions.



  10. i was skating about two years ago on my friends street and my crush was there with her friends and i was choking really bad

    i was skating for a while and i saw that she was watching me so i skated a bit closer

    i pulled a simple shove-it and came crashing down on her

    she was already sitting on the sidewalk so she didnt get hurt but my face ended up right in front of her umm... well ya know. the area between her legs

    i was like 4 inches away and i was sooooo embarassed that i didnt realize i gashed my elbow

    she didnt freak out about it but it was really embarassing and her friends were all giggling

    she asked if i was okay since i was bleeding.

    after that i didnt get anywhere close to her for like.... 2 months because of the shame

    then one day she came to talk to my friend when we bumped into her at the mall

    long story short we're dating now

    i guess it was worth it

  11. i was going to talk to a pretty girl and i sneeze the burger was giant and i cover my face and shes followed me so i was holy ****, eventually i wiped it in my clothes and whent home  

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