
Most embarssing moment?(if u arre willing to share)?

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I'm really bored right now and could use a good laugh




  1. on the second day of school (sophomore) , we had to play the name game, and i got to this kids name and the adjective he picked started with a E because his name started with an E, so i was just going along and i got to him and i said his name was errotic (his name). and it was really, eccentric (his name). i didnt even know who this kid was and i said that he was like majorly sexualy attractive on accident...and everyone started laughing haha. i was too scared to look up the definition after i said it, i didnt even know what it was, but i knew it was bad lol and then my friend told me lke 5 days after what it meant and wow... haha

  2. The other day I was going to the store. I had to walk past the Crumbles Cookie Store on my way. As I got right in front of the store, a man which I thought was looking at me (not) asked if I wanted a cookie. I replied "yes" only to realize he was talking to his wife behind me. I was embarrassed!

  3. My most embarrassing moment was when my boyfriend and I were doing the "deed" in his parents hot tub.  He had taken off his swim suit and I had taken off my suit bottom.  I was sitting on him and sliding up and down when his grandmother came out with some fresh brownies for us to eat.  I was so scared she would know what we were doing, but her eye sight is not good, so I guess she never knew!

  4. I pulled out my p***s(unit,shaft,d**k,tallywacker,weiner... pete,woody,thang,johnson,mushroom cap,wang...) in Times Square and got on the joke! my unit was erect during this embarssing time...  

  5. Once I was at my annual gynecological exam, in the stirrups, paper gown and all and the doctor asks if a medical student could come in and watch the procedure for my PAP test. I said sure, why not, but what I misheard was the "A medical student", the doctor had really said SOME medical students....the next thing I knew, 20 students were staring right into my most private nether-regions. I thought I would just die right there.  

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