
Most hated team in the NHL...?

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In your Opinion,who is the most hated team in the NHL?

For the intelligent people I want you to go deep into this,like players and management wise.You don't have to but it would be nice. =D




  1. West = Det-riot  

    East = Philly

    The 1997 Stanley Cup finals ruined hockey for a lot of people.

  2. Ok I know some would say pens should hate detroit but I don't.  I don't like the flyers, and rangers.  Every time the rangers trip a player they think a dive should be called.  Not a fan of their coach either.  The flyers because they board too many people and if the refs followed the rule book they would be pentalized more out in the west, I don't hate any teams in the west.  Nashville when they were competitive but I pity them since their team has been destroyed and in the east I feel a little bit bad for the islanders, weird I know.  Also I don't like rangers and flyers because they are divisional opponents.  Joe for the most part you are ok but most of your brethern are the holes you were referring to.

  3. Im guessing the Leafs. They havent won the cup ever since 1967. Other people think they are not trying. I dont know what elese to say

  4. I hate the redwings, they somehow sign all the best players for 2.5 million a season and win the president every year? NHL needs to look into that bull c**p.

    and to the guy that said pens should hate their own team: why? we are significantly better than we were on this day last season, we have no reason to hate shero or the penguins. You're just scared that we will beat you with Satan as our top RW and Dupuis in our top 6 forwards.

  5. I second what Greg said. A lot of people in Canada resent the Leafs because they feel that the Leafs are shoved down their throats by CBC, TSN etc. Habs, Rangers, Flyers and Wings are also among the most hated teams in the league.

  6. Any team that employs Hal Gill or Darcy the Penguins and the Avalanche.

    Actually, I can't say Colorado yet. I'll wait til Gentleman Joe (Sakic) retires to say that one.

  7. Philadelphia, any sports team from Philladelphis is hated, 'cept maybe the 76'ers.

  8. Philly.I know personally I hate them. They play real dirty and its not just one uncontrollable player, the coaches have something to do with it.

    Then Detroit, simply because they win.

  9. Pittsburgh

    People hate the bandwagoners, Crosby, excessive media coverage ect.

  10. Redwings... the Yankees of hockey.

  11. Red Wings, Ducks, Penguins, Rangers

  12. The Wings they are considered the 'Yankees of Hockey' but personally I really don't like the Ducks.

  13. flyers and habs.  my flyboys tend to hit hard and usually win, just not the cup (second highest all time winning percentage behind montreal, eat it!).  plus, we philly fans are a rowdy bunch.  canadiens are fast and annoying and their fans tend to hate everyone.

  14. The Red Wings. Im not exactly intelligent so I won't go deep into it

  15. hmm.... I say the wings.I guess their hated cause there good!

    Philli, Pns and leafs right after!

  16. DA RANGERS!!!

  17. It has to be the Flyers.Their city stinks,their players play dirty and their fans are Aholes.

  18. That is entirely dependant on what region you are in.  I do not think there is ONE single most hated team in the NHL like there is in other leagues. I have lived and travelled clear from one end to the other in the USA and it (rivalries) varied greatly from place to place.

  19. I'll narrow it down to what I figure to be the most popular teams: Maple Leafs, Red Wings, Canadiens, Rangers, and Flyers. And more recently the Penguins. I narrowed it down to these teams because they are probably the most represented throughout both Canada and the US. And by default, the most popular teams are always the most hated.

    The Maple Leafs because they are shoved down Canadian's throats, and they have not won anything in what seems like a century.

    The Red Wings because they have had a knack for winning more than any other team in the last 15 years or so, everybody hates a winner.

    The Canadiens because they have won more of everything than anyother team since the dawn of time, and once again, everybody hates a winner.

    The Rangers because they play in New York, which happens to be the largest market in the NHL, and well, just because they are the Rangers.

    The Flyers because of the label "broadstreet bullys" and the fact that people tend to hate teams from Philly, and because they have always been a good team, only two Cups though.

    And finally the Penguins because of the huge increase in fan support ever since #87 came. And simply because of #87, and how we as Hockey fans are strapped to a highchair and spoonfed his bullshit every time we watch a Hockey game no matter who is playing...thank you Versus CBC and NBC.

    Also, all the teams I have mentioned, with the exception of Pittsburgh have had very deep pockets, and pre-lockout had the means to sign all the big name free agents out from under smaller market teams such as Edmonton, Buffalo, and you get my drift. You could also add Colorado and L.A. to the deep pocket teams, but I don't think they are hated throughout the Hockey world as much as the other mentioned teams.

  20. Usually, the most popular teams are the most hated teams.  They get most of the attention from the media, and fans of other teams resent it.  They have fans throughout the country (countries), and are visible and audible at arenas throughout the league.  This makes people resent the team.

    I'd say the Maple Leafs are the most hated team, followed by other teams with large fanbases, like the Habs, Rangers, and Flyers.

  21. Probly the Red Wings. but we here in Motown hate the Avalanche the most.

    Everyone hates the Wings for signing all the best players and always winning. people put us in the same category as the Yankees (i hate that).

    Right now though, im thinking most people in Pittsburgh are hating there own team right now. especially Shero.

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