
Most important thing in a VIDEO GAME 4 u??

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What is the most important thing that u think matters a lot in a gameplay??

Formats: Like XBOX 360, or PS3 games or PC


graphic, sounds, characters, story, type of the game (action-strategy- driving), multiplayer or .....

Just gimmie like 3 thing like 1. 2. 3.

thax for any answer!!!




  1. I think all things are pretty important, but whats more important is the convenience and enjoyment of the game itself. For example.

    1) I can pick it up and put it down whenever I want. IE, I dont have to look for save points or devote too much of my time if im busy.

    2) It gives me a quick fix. I dont want to see hours of cut scenes, and I dont want to explore side quests in dungeons ive already seen before. I want to turn it on and im thrown right into the action.

    3) Replay value. If a game doesnt have this then there's no point in getting the game. You will just stop playing after the first level. The game has to capture you.

    A few games that meet this criteria are:

    Metal Gear Solid 4, Ratchet and Clank, Rainbow Six, Halo 3, Civilization, Ninja Gaiden, Counter-Strike, Orange Box. Just to name a few.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Although graphics are very important in computer games, they are not the be all and end all of gaming. Games can still be enjoyable, even with sub par graphics.

    So first of all, I think gameplay is most important. The game must be easy to control and not be fiddly to play.

    Secondly what type of game it is is very important, because some genres you are not too keen on will ruin any game for you, even if its considered one of the best in the genre.

    And thirdly, if the game is a single player game, it must contain a good storyline to keep you interested.

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