
Most needed jobs in the UK?

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I am an American citizen, just wondering what kind of jobs are in highest demand in the UK right now? I know that immigration is very strict and work visas are very difficult to obtain..




  1. Mostly jobs that pay minimum wage.  We are in desperate need of refuge collectors, cleaners and carers etc.  Most probably the main reason to make the unemployed work for their benefits at even less rates of pay.  Privately contracting out jobs to firms that are then contracted out to recruitment agents doesn't help the job market as too many people are getting a piece of the wages before it reaches the hands of the actual workers that are doing the dirty jobs.

  2. NHS nurses and midwives.

    They're not very well paid, but you'll be snapped up instantly and have very little chance of unemployment.  Plus, a massive sense of job satisfaction :)

  3. Coffee serving, fruit picking and toilet cleaning would seem to be a good bet. As that is the sort of people we have been importing.

  4. Mainly medical jobs are in greatest demands i.e. nurse, surgeon, dentist, etc.

    Although it would appear that our immigration laws are strict, you'd actually be surprised at who and what this country seems to let in on a daily basis. They're also extremely bad at removing those who are illegally in the country. On top of that, you are also guaranteed many benefits - free money, housing and no taxes to pay.

    Good luck.

  5. nhs dentist. i could ask the same about america, taxes and costs too high here. need to escape

  6. Mainly anything in the NHS from dentists to doctors

  7. A descent Prime Minister is the most required thing in the UK.

  8. We need jobs in the UK. Period.

    I'd agree with the above poster though. Medical and science related professions.  Forget it if you have an arts degree, we're swimming in unemployed arts graduates.

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