
Most of Jesus teachings about compassion and mercy can be found in Buddhism too?

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let me give you a few examples

jesus forgiving the woman caught in adultery and even calling her his sister

(a similar account is found in Buddhism how Buddha did the same)

jesus talking to the samaritan woman at the well about the water of life

(Buddha does the same when he asked the low cast girl for water)

jesus teaching people about the meaning of death

(Buddha does the same when he spoke to a woman named kisagothami about the meaning of death)

jesus teaching people about the good samaritan

(Buddha teaches his followers a similar story)

And i can write you lots more

I find a very close link between jesus and buddha

Has anyone noticed this connection?




  1. I'm Catholic but I like to learn about other religions. To me you can't harp on someone else's beliefs if you know nothing about them. And once you understand why they believe as they do respect will come. A lot of religions are similar in many ways.  In most cases anyway. Satanic worship just seems really pointless to me!

  2. I think any religions that were loving and compassionate would have a lot in common with Christianity. Unfortunately too many religions seem to be competing with one another to be THE only true religion. If I had to choose any religion I think I would choose Christianity, simply because I have experienced it and think I understand it. Buddhism also seems to be a very humane religion. I believe both Buddha and Christ were good men (not gods) who wanted the very best for humanity (and animals too I hope!) and knew ways to achieve the best, which they tried to communicate to us. We are now so conditioned by our consumerist systems that we do not always understand the lessons of Christ and Buddha. They told us that we would cause ourselves pain if we went wrong,(which is happening now) but they did not want to punish us, unlike many other religions who claim their God is a punitive one. (I can't imagine Jesus ever saying "If you kill a lot of other people who are not of your religion you will go to paradise forever" He may have said "if you kill other people, you are to be pitied because you have been dehumanised" and maybe he would have laid a compassionate and healing hand on them, but I don't think he would have singled them out for a special reward for it!

  3. I think there is good reason for the connections: people sometimes bewilder themselves with Jesus and Buddha so much they forget that the end result is a relationship or a communication with God.  

    These are the avenues, ways, or channels we use to experience a minute understanding of God and his power.  It is the only way we can, because our feeble minds cannot comprehend such power.

    So, yes, I have noticed the connection and more and more in churches and religions everywhere people are noticing that other religions can learn a lot from each other and should combine thoughts because they lead to one great beginning, past, present, future, and end, God.  

  4. Christian means. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

    "Christian" also means a member or adherent of a church or other organized group within Christianity. As an adjective, the term may also describe anything associated with Christianity, or even remotely thought to be consistent with Christianity, as in "the Christian thing to do."

    Jesus was Jewish so learnt about  Judaism, Hinduism, Gnosticism & Buddhism  he was not a Christian he was just Spiritual and that is what he "Mastered" and became a Spiritual Master

    "True religion is not about possessing the truth. No religion does that. It is rather an invitation into a journey that leads one toward the mystery of God. Idolatry is religion pretending that it has all the answers."

    Love & Blessings


  5. all religions have teachings that share common themes.

    like treat each other kindly.

  6. I have found that ALL religions have close ideals and teaching.  Their principles are the same or very similar it is just their cultures that are different.

    While I was going through a self discovery journey I talked to a lot of people from different religions, and found that they all had a common thread to them.  Basically it is about what culture appeals most to you.  I went from being anglican only, to now living by the teachings of Buddha.

  7. In comparison Jesus is the Son of God.

    Buddha was a true Profit.

    P.1036 - §1 When proclaimed at its best, Gautama's gospel of universal salvation, free from sacrifice, torture, ritual, and priests, was a revolutionary and amazing doctrine for its time. And it came surprisingly near to being a revival of the Salem gospel. It brought succor to millions of despairing souls, and notwithstanding its grotesque perversion during later centuries, it still persists as the hope of millions of human beings.

    Siddhartha taught far more truth than has survived in the modern cults bearing his name. Modern Buddhism is no more the teachings of Gautama Siddhartha than is Christianity the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

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