They are such losers and freaks. The whole lot of them are an embarrassment to be seen with. They are all uncool and ugly and I hate the lot of them because all they do is try copy everything about me. They try to steal my style and the things I like to make themselves seem better, but they are just plain pathetic.
How can I ditch them? I managed to get rid of two that didn't attend my school, by just ignoring their phone calls and texts emails, until they finally got the message, but it's harder when I have to see these people everyday at school. Even I admit it would be a bit to harsh to just say to them that you are such a pack of unstylish weirdos and I never want to speak to you again, but I want to get rid of them and need something to get the message across. It's going to be hard though, because they basically stalk me like lunatics.
Also where can I go to meet cooler friends? Are gigs and crazy parties the way to go...