
Most of the people are in search of money - is there nothing besides money to live with ?

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Most of the people are in search of money - is there nothing besides money to live with ?




  1. Without money, you can't even wash your laundry or your body...not in a pleasant, clean, nice smelling way....  This minor thing can prevent people from having bigger, better things such as LOVE.... If you don't believe money doesn't get you love, then you have lived with money....

  2. I'm just lookin' for love

  3. If money makes the world go round.

    Then why where thers no money.

    Love is found.

  4. fair enough but there are also many more ppl in search of love, and i would rather have the love i have with my partner then any amount of money

  5. What about family and friends.  What is money if you have no family or friends to share with.  My  wealth is my family's closeness.  My bond with my sons, husband and parents is worth more than dollars.

  6. I noticed that about most people.

      Playin the lottery and hoping to hit the big one.  



    Game shows.

    Trying to sell the shirt off their back.

    What the heck kind of fantasy are they trying to obtain?

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